Posted 20 January 2012 - 7:29 AM
Any game where you get to kill nazi aliens is good to me!
But I'm not the best judge of games because it takes me a while for the gameplay to become intuitive, so I consulted my son Connor, who is 13 and of course, really into games, especially PC games, He remarked how the pulse rifle was kind of like the rifle from Aliens. And Connor being the valve software fanboy that he is, says the overall style is like Alien Swarm (this is a good thing!) he thought the game had some impressive shadows, and nice light/dark contrast - this I could agree just by the stills here and what I watched of him play testing.
I just had a quick look at the blog post and will check that out (and the game for myself, later) but thought I'd mention also that I liked the promotional 'propaganda' poster for the game.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle