hahaha, satur8 - I'm old. Get off my damn lawn. :lol:
I definitely see your point. The music industry will always cash in, it always has and even at .99 per downloadable song, it will continue to do so. It's a good thing to support your favorite bands when and where you can - how much an artist truly makes in royalties isn't public knowledge. We may have read statistics somewhere or have an idea of what they are, but we really don't know the details of an artist's contract with their label. At least if you pay up artists you support, you know a little bit is going to the artist someway somehow. I've always been a bit on the fence over getting something for nothing (downloading). I understand why it's done in a stick-it-to-the-man sense, but it's not something I indulge in much these days. For me, music is a luxury and always has been in my mindset. I love the notion of instant gratification, but I certainly don't mind working for my luxuries. And it might be a bit shallow but I don't mind having something to show for my money when I feel it was well spent.
Anyway, for tangible goods, it's not just the money the industry gets, but when you factor in the mark-up to sell this stuff in a retail outlet, the end cost the consumer pays is staggering. There's quite a few jumps from production costs to unit costs to wholesale costs to retail costs and damn, a lot of money is involved with each jump.
Then again, I was at Amoeba records last weekend which is like this magical musical haven of epic proportions. It's always busy in there, with the sound of people digging in the bins, loud music playing overhead. The music is affordable and I've done a few happy dances in the aisles when I came across a gem I was searching for. You go in there and automatically think "digital down-whaaa?" No need to even think about digital downloads when you have a sea of music in tangible form to choose from that's affordable. That store goes to show that new and used music - in tangible format - *does* sell if the price is right.
I forgot what else I wanted to say but I've already gone off long enough on my windbag rant. :P