There were 2 forum layouts during the Come With Us era.
I don't know if anyone bothered with screen shots of the old forums, but some of us were around back then. The first layout (and first forum the Chems every had) was designed in a drop down style - sort of like a tree. It sort of looked like:
COME WITH US IS RAD!!!111 by Biff it's not, it teh suck - ChemiCali way, you're lame Come With Us
is rad - Biff
..................OK, I like it now. ChemiCali longer exists and must've been having a bad time of month - whirlygirl
The first layout was cool looking and a lot of people liked it, but to me it was a hard to navigate and find older posts. Instead of there being page threads and forum pages and subforums, you just scrolled on down the page to view what was said. There was also no registration process. Anyone could sign in and post so there was a lot of potential for trolling. I wonder if this has been archived somewhere...? Hmm.
The second design was your typical phpBB layout similar to the one imaged below. It was this way for a few years.
Of course this design was real easy to navigate since the format is so familiar. You could quote and easily search for posts and you could post images. But it looked like every other forum out there. From a moderating standpoint it was easier to track posts and edit and delete. But there were some major security flaws which were a serious pain in everyone's ass. Toward the end of the old forum's days, the place was littered with literally dozens upon dozens of spam bot posts which cluttered the forum and made it a super bitch to moderate unless someone babysat the place 24/7. One day the administrator decided to filter the swear words so "cunt" was replaced by "pink flower" and "fuck" was replaced by "Chuff" and other such nonsense. So we had to come up with clever ways to spell out our curse words. :lol: The real fun part was when the admin (who decided to show up after being awol for god knows how long) accidentally disabled the moderator, so the place filled up with so much spam even Ed came on to ask what the hell was going on. You also couldn't edit your posts, which was a bit annoying.
When this forum came into existance a short while prior to We Are The Night, it looked really exciting: edit button (yay!) vivid color scheme, looks original (there's no other forum like it out there that I've seen). And it serves a basic purpose - to post, say your piece, and move on. And no more spam! But alas, this place is unfinished. I'm not sure what happened. When the new forum came into existance the admin came and said some changes were going to be made but perhaps those changes will come at some point in the future. No matter how much we've complained, things remain the same. :lol:
I quite like the way the forum is now - warts n'all. As I said it serves it's purpose and what's really important (in my opinion) is all the content - every post from the first phpBB forum's inception through right now - now has been saved.