Just saw it on a p2p network... The user was offline though :x I'm waiting...

No path to follow
Posted 04 May 2007 - 7:49 PM
btw, just out of curiousity, which one of the chems opening tracks is the most ball grabbing,spine crushing and all those adjectives?
Block rocking beats still has that strage vibe to it as if a weird science experiment with sounds is going on in the background.
Posted 05 May 2007 - 3:12 AM
Come With Us and Leave Your World Behind!
IMO their most ball-grabbing opener, just ahead of the BAAAAUUUUUMMMMMM(science lab)start of BRB. Music:Response a very close third. The reason behind this for me was that i took a lot of drugs but never listened to the Chemicals while high('cept weed).
The first time i heard CWU i was just hangin out at a mates(sober) with the amps up loud and he said 'Listen to this one...i just got it'.
It was like a shot of adrenalin straight to the heart....I've never felt any need whatsoever to take anything to enhance the Chemical experience since, it is its own drug and i'm an addict.
Posted 05 May 2007 - 3:17 AM
CWU has too overdramatic a start for me, though I like it.
BRB is too Duran Duran "Rio" for me in the beginning.
Leave Home is straight to the song, as is Galvanize.
I can't imagine how difficult it must be to find a way to start off an album, but I must say M:R has the best opening, seeing as it is epic.
I love the organ-like tone it has.
Posted 05 May 2007 - 3:33 AM
I kind of agree with your androidgeff, about the overdramatic Come With Us. When I first heard it, I thought it tried to hard. I definitely dig it now, it is a powerful opener, but it is not my favorite opening track.
But it's a tough question - favorite opening track. I think all the opening tracks for each album are great in their own way because they open the door to the album and coax you into its world.
I am fond of Leave Home. It's a fantasic opener to a fantasic debut album - brothers gonna work it out pretty much says it all. And in a way, I think that track is timeless in the Chemical chronology. It could almost be the opening track to all their albums, because... well, because the brothers gonna work it out. :lol: