Naw - the link Toby posted was a stream, not a link to download the song of a torrent of ftpee.

don't fight control: offical version has leaked.
Posted 20 November 2007 - 9:26 AM
Come of it though thats not exactly fair. This is a 12" only white vinyl. I don't have a record player (like a lot of us) and so I've got no way of hearing this great music. Its very elitist to deny that to everybody simply because they don't have a record deck. I'm all for the Chems getting their due. I don't see why they shouldn't make this track available to purchase via download either from this site directly or itunes or somewhere. If thats the plan then please delete my link and my full apologies for posting it. Otherwise its music elitism, or at least thats the way I see.
#25 whirly
Posted 20 November 2007 - 3:24 PM
OK, before anyone gets up my face about moderating - for the record I hate editing posts more than I hate locking or deleting.
My apologies for not realizing it wasn't just a stream and my apologies to Toby for the edit.
I have the link Toby posted saved and I can always re-edit if my editing is deemed an outright crime against humanity. :P
Posted 20 November 2007 - 6:49 PM
I presume when it says this - "Finally it appears, as correctly pointed by 'Tom' in the comments, that the Chemical Brothers vs Primal Scream bootleg 12" I posted was indeed a bad bootleg version. Of the bootleg. However now I have the correct and original version, as produced by The Chemical Brothers themselves. It's much better, not only due to the production quality, but also due to Denise Johnson once more getting high till the day she dies. I am now having the correct flashbacks!
Does he mean Tom Rowlands 'correctly pointed out' or does he mean any old Tom? If it was thee Tom then presumably the chems themselves don't have a problem with that site hosting the MP3 and thus shouldn't have a problem with people being guided to it from these forums.
You're welcome to delete my link Whirly, I can understand everyone not wanting to rock the boat but it would be helpful to find out what the story is behind the official track being released. Is it going be made legally available and if so where, when and how?
#32 whirly
Posted 20 November 2007 - 11:45 PM
Toby wrote:
You're welcome to delete my link Whirly, I can understand everyone not wanting to rock the boat but it would be helpful to find out what the story is behind the official track being released. Is it going be made legally available and if so where, when and how?
It's not anything against you, Toby - really. I didn't do that to make anyone look bad and I know you didn't mean to make waves. I did it mainly out of respect just in case it turned out to be a case of posting links to downloads which we know the Chems don't want on their own forum.
You're right though, it would be nice to get some sort of official word on a release. I think we'd all be willing to pay for a Chems tune if it were in a format which we all use.
Posted 23 November 2007 - 10:27 AM
I agree we shouldn't be posting direct links to the chems music on this forum. but there's no harm pointing people in the right direction. its only fair... Google 'headphone' sex to find the real chems vs primal scream mp3.
And for all the people that have asked. The vinyl version being sold in juno, plastic music... basically most online stores is not a legit version. if you're still unsure the catalogue number of the fake bootleg is KPG001. there that's your lot
Posted 24 November 2007 - 7:03 AM
o shit, i missed out on this one..... google search it is then....
Posted 24 November 2007 - 7:48 AM
bloody fuck!!!!
dirty dirty ass shit!!!!
spank me! spank me!
floods of warm memories coming back with this one!
absolutely brilliant stuff