- Official Forum for The Chemical Brothers: I Wish The Visuals Didn't Exist - - Official Forum for The Chemical Brothers
because now i'm listening to the audio CD and I feel like it's missing something. I can't carry around a DVD player with me every time I want to listen to the album.
Why would you do this to me Brothers? Why?
Saying that though, every album from now on needs to be like this.
My first foray into Further was with the visuals...
The visuals complete the Further package as a full-on Chemical presentation, but I think the music stands alone. I have the Further Experience on my phone, so I've been listening to it as a long giant track (at work with my headphones, on walks, or in the car to and from work and such). I can't wait to go on a long scenic drive somewhere and listen to this. I know it's just my opinion but to me I didn't get the feeling something's missing without the visuals. One of the greatest things about music is that if you want, you can weave it into your everyday life. And then it becomes a sort of personal soundtrack. With/without the visuals and how we choose to experience the album is an interesting topic, I think. I'm interested in reading what other people's thoughts are here.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle