songs that can make your problems go away
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Posted 25 March 2003 - 5:00 AM
Just out of curiosity - I have a few questions that I think are relevant to a lot that's going on int he world lately. Not to stray off the chemical path too much, but I know I can't be the only one that is sickened and saddened by what's going on in Iraq? How about your own country and its response to what's going on in Iraq? How do people make you feel when they try to make you feel as though your opinions don't mean jack-shit because you're not in the majority (happens here in America, and happened to me over the weekend)
Anyway. I don't know about you, but I've always found comfort in music when everything around me seems to be in the shitter. Seriously though, I know we all listen to music that makes us happy on a Friday night but what are some of your favorite songs or records that really lift you up when you're down? Do any of you have a song that's sort of the soundtrack to a period of your life when you've relied on music to help see you through?
Sorry for all the cheesiness, but I thought we could use a good positive thread.
Anyway. I don't know about you, but I've always found comfort in music when everything around me seems to be in the shitter. Seriously though, I know we all listen to music that makes us happy on a Friday night but what are some of your favorite songs or records that really lift you up when you're down? Do any of you have a song that's sort of the soundtrack to a period of your life when you've relied on music to help see you through?
Sorry for all the cheesiness, but I thought we could use a good positive thread.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 25 March 2003 - 8:30 AM
When ever I feel like the worls is going to shit around me, I listen to ANY of the chems albums, or better yet, I listen to Music has the right to children by Boards of Canada. That always makes me feel in the right point of veiw, and shows me the way to a happier evening :D
Posted 25 March 2003 - 2:22 PM
Dig your own hole always makes me feel better when I'm pissed off. I also listen to Lemon Jelly-Lemon jelly.ky, Royksopp-Melody AM, Leftfield-Leftism and Air-Moon safari.
I think this war is wrong (as I have already pointed out)--there are too many people dying at the moment and the whole thing is pissing me off :( .
I think this war is wrong (as I have already pointed out)--there are too many people dying at the moment and the whole thing is pissing me off :( .
Posted 26 March 2003 - 5:55 AM
Now I guess I'll answer my questions. heh. There's been a few songs/records out there that have helped see me through but these ones stand out. Out of the chemical realm, most recently this past summer it was The Flaming Lips "Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots." Don't really know why, but I love that record and it saw me through a difficult time. Air "Virgin Suicides" is the soundtrack of my times being up until the sun rose on a Sunday morning, you know. Right before the dawn the sky turns this amazing shade of blue and you feel like you're the only one in the world that's awake. Going back a bit, whenever I hear Primal Scream's "Screamadelica" and Stone Rose and Pink Floyd's "Animals" I think of the time when I first moved out of my house and was on my own and life suddenly seemed so free but really fucking hard and I clung to that music. The Verve "No Come Down" lifted my spirits when I was in the hospital. If it weren't for that record I don't know how I could count my lucky stars today. Then there's the Chems but I can only say one record of theirs is a "soundtrack" but there are plenty of their songs that I always seem to turn to when I need a good song to get me through. Must say it's a definite The Private Psychadelic Reel but there's something about it that really reaches inside (I'm sure oyu know what I'm talking about.) Then there's some more personal times (sorry, won't share them with ya) that really struck a chord with Exit Planet Dust. Gee I'm talkative this evening.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 26 March 2003 - 11:41 PM
The Beach soundtrack is one of my fav. album of all times. whenever i feel fucked up or really depressed i lay down on the floor open my window and listen to The Beach soundtrack. So relaxing it's just makes me fall asleep on the floor. It's amazing feeling i get everytime i listen to it. I recommend it to everyone here if you already don't have. (watch i movie too, you will fall in love with it)
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