Collab's you would like to hear
Posted 07 October 2005 - 4:00 AM
When I first heard M.I.A, I kept thinking her style would mesh well with Hot Acid Rhythm (that Eve was to appear on) or maybe a song similar to that. I don't know, I think it would be interesting to hear the two styles come together and M.I.A would bring her own brand of sexy-sassy-political-instigating ways to the table. It would be interesting, I think.
I dig M.I.A., even if she is opening up for Gwen Stefani.
Posted 07 October 2005 - 4:07 AM
pnx Escribi�:
I think two really interesting collaborations should be BECK and RADIOHEAD! :)
deffinately not beck....hes gotten all emotional on me.....im very disapointed with him right now
the chemical brothers should do something with tenacious D ........jack black really does have a great voice.....they can make comical track for once! X-D
Posted 07 October 2005 - 4:26 AM
I wonder how much goofing around Tom and Ed do musically. I mean, after they've spent serious hours and hours of the brain wracking kind laboring over that one itty bitty squiggly sound, and they're sleep deprived and punchy and delirious... Come on, you know it's happened (not like we'd hear any of it!) :P
Posted 07 October 2005 - 9:12 PM
Posted 07 October 2005 - 11:44 PM
Ok what about Bjork? She has an amazing voice and that album she made with no instruments (cant remeber what its called) was a really interesting concept... I could imagine them doing something very weird and wonderful.
Posted 08 October 2005 - 8:13 AM
Anyway. That being said, I can only take her voice in small incriments. I saw her when she was with the Sugarcubes and another time solo at Coachella (her fans are manic, I tell you!!) and for someone so tiny she's got a mean set of lungs on here. But even still, there's something about her voice that I can only handle in smaller doses.
I can't say whether or not I'd want to hear a collab.
But the Chems actually did call on her to work with them for a song called Hyper Ballad (which is Lost In The K-Hole as we know it - someone correct me/add more to the story if Im mistaken). It's been said in a Chems interview she has an aversion to slap bass, and she turned down to collaborative effort.
Posted 08 October 2005 - 8:47 AM
whirlygirl Escribi�:
Yeah, that Bjork album is Medula - the one with all voices, it's a great concept that only she could pull off the way she did. It's really amazing how immersed she is in her music. I was reading once, after she did the movie Dancer in the Dark (which was excellent and highly depressing) that she would never do another movie because she felt like she was cheating on her music, like she was being unfaithful to her true calling. She is a sonic visionary in her own right and I have tons of repsect for her.
Anyway. That being said, I can only take her voice in small incriments. I saw her when she was with the Sugarcubes and another time solo at Coachella (her fans are manic, I tell you!!) and for someone so tiny she's got a mean set of lungs on here. But even still, there's something about her voice that I can only handle in smaller doses.
I can't say whether or not I'd want to hear a collab.
But the Chems actually did call on her to work with them for a song called Hyper Ballad (which is Lost In The K-Hole as we know it - someone correct me/add more to the story if Im mistaken). It's been said in a Chems interview she has an aversion to slap bass, and she turned down to collaborative effort.
Yeah some one tell us the full story coz all this time i though it was a remix and then it becomes Dig your own hole, coz bjork didnt like it, but now i �m confuse :-?
Posted 08 October 2005 - 9:18 AM
And a Bjork colab would have been cool years ago. She has a lot to do with DYOH. Dig your own hole (the track) is an evolved Bjork remix (if I'm correct) and now I read Lost in the K-Hole was first called Hyper-Balled and would have been a Bjork colab. My favourite Bjork song is Hyper Balled.
I would like toe hear a Neptunes or Kanye West colab, maybe even Shirley Manson. But what I'm really hoping for is a Prodigy collaboration. If only, one day........ *continues dreaming*
Posted 10 October 2005 - 7:28 AM
Maybe some of us artists on here should do a collab with each other just for something different?
Posted 10 October 2005 - 11:24 AM
Joslyn Escribi�:
And a Bjork colab would have been cool years ago. She has a lot to do with DYOH. Dig your own hole (the track) is an evolved Bjork remix (if I'm correct) and now I read Lost in the K-Hole was first called Hyper-Balled and would have been a Bjork colab. My favourite Bjork song is Hyper Balled.
Hyper BallEd?
Are you sure about this? "Lost In The K-Hole" and "Hyper-Ballad" don't sound similar at all, to me anyway.. :? Or maybe I didn't understand what you meant.
Posted 10 October 2005 - 3:56 PM
Consumer Escribi�:
It's a pity Johnny Cash is dead, it would have been fucking great to hear him on a Chems track. Having said that, a track with Brian Wilson would also be very, very ... interesting.
Maybe some of us artists on here should do a collab with each other just for something different?
Dude, Johnny Cash, damn straight!!!
I loved Johnny Cash not only for his style and voice, but for how musically openminded he was. He was a cool cat. You couldn't put him in a box but his fingerprints were all over everything he touched. He was amazing, so amazing. I am so glad people recognized him as being so progressive musically, it really bridged not a music gap in terms of genre, but a generation gap as well.