What do you think?

The Name of The New Album ?
Posted 05 February 2010 - 8:56 PM
Exit Planet Swing,
....a rat pack Jazz version of the Chems Debut. Includes the Jamie Culum Remix of Life is Sweet, also includes the Katie Melua re rub of Alive Alone.
#13 Champiness
Posted 06 February 2010 - 1:46 AM
Posted 10 February 2010 - 8:49 PM
I changed my mind and now I think the following title is the best one:
Put that Cookie Down!
Title track will feature A.Schwarzenegger
Posted 10 February 2010 - 10:59 PM
Last week or so, I was listening to the 2005 chems intro at Brixton Academy on a loop which thrilled me that much, that some bad force urged me to make a bad cover of it. Sux balls but yeah..
I pray for an album verision of the Brixton intro on chemical 7.