General Bullshit Chat
#4746 toomuchstash
Posted 19 December 2006 - 7:50 PM
The Tesco Strangler!
Police Arrest Second Suspect
Tuesday December 19, 09:24 AM
A 48-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of murdering five prostitutes in Suffolk - he is the second man to be held in the case. He was arrested at his home in London Road in Ipswich at 5am.
The area is about one mile from Portman Road, home of Ipswich Town FC and the town's red light district.
The house has been cordoned off and forensics officers are in the property.
This morning's announcement follows yesterday's arrest of Tom Stephens at his home in Trimley, Suffolk.
Detectives are continuing to question the 37-year-old, also on suspicion of murdering the five women.
They have been given another 12 hours to either charge Stephens, release him or apply for more time for questioning.
A former special constable, supermarket worker and taxi driver, Stephens told a Sunday newspaper he knew all five women and lacked alibis for some of the nights they went missing. But he insisted he was innocent.
Former prostitute Jacci Goldsmith told Sky News that Stephens looked after the women on the street.
Stephens also had his own page on the MySpace website, in which he has posted several pictures of himself. That has now been removed.
He describes himself on the site as "fit", enjoys 80s music and is not interested in TV.
Calling himself "The Bishop", he puts his occupation as a "team leader" at a local Tesco store, he wants a "serious relationship" and his hero is "Hong Kong Phooey".
The bodies of the five women were found naked in rural locations south of Ipswich.
Gemma Adams, 25, was found in Belstead Brook at Hintlesham on December 2.
Tania Nicol, 19, was found at Copdock on December 8; Anneli Alderton, 24, at Nacton on December 10; Paula Clennell, 24, at Levington on December 12, and Annette Nicholls, 29, also at Levington on the same day.
#4751 toomuchstash
Posted 19 December 2006 - 8:31 PM
Jeanie Escribi�:
iguanapunk Escribi�:
I don't know him. If you didn't know, the first suspect is a member of this forum :o
Give the poor man a break! The member of this forum already had a lot to deal with. Youre not the only one who made that link X-D
wait, who are you guys talking about? I was kidding about Sneaks.
Posted 19 December 2006 - 8:34 PM
The answer is somewhere on this page.....The answer to the mysterious murderers 8O
#4754 toomuchstash
Posted 19 December 2006 - 9:09 PM
Jeanie Escribi�:
Aaaah.....maybe this is a puzzle and you need to find out what were on about X-D
Or I could just trust my weed addled brain to completely forget what we were talking about... do we know someone named Tom Stephens? I can't ever remember anyones real names, except you jeanie, cuz that's your fricken name!
Oh, dude, I read this article that the Dutch government was giving away videos of people eating holiday meals, because so many Dutch live alone, and that way they could feel like their family was with them. God I love you people.
Posted 20 December 2006 - 2:11 AM
Since the topic of favourite drinks has come up, I figure I'd better add my two cents in.
Usually pints of lager if session drinking, pints of ale if just out for a beer or two, tequila or Jagermeister if doing shots, vodka and cokes if drinking hard liquor (doubles or triples if trying to get bombed), and triple Black Russians if trying to erase memories.
I also have lots of time for Caesars, Paralyzers, Long Island Ice Teas, and pretty much any hard liquor with a coke mixer.
Usually pints of lager if session drinking, pints of ale if just out for a beer or two, tequila or Jagermeister if doing shots, vodka and cokes if drinking hard liquor (doubles or triples if trying to get bombed), and triple Black Russians if trying to erase memories.
I also have lots of time for Caesars, Paralyzers, Long Island Ice Teas, and pretty much any hard liquor with a coke mixer.
Posted 20 December 2006 - 2:56 AM
It would be very hard to imagine sneaker going on any sort of rampage! Or mippio for that matter.
As for drinking rampages. I can't hold my liquor anymore, not the way I used to. I like a nice even buzz that I have control over so I have no problems nursing my drinks. I am a cheap date!! I can handle mixed drinks but have to be careful - the sugar will make me sick before the alcohol will. As for beer, give me a lambic and I'm happy. I also like wine, but prefer a nice desert port.
I am quite fond of me and stash's fruity melon Galvanize drinkies.
As for drinking rampages. I can't hold my liquor anymore, not the way I used to. I like a nice even buzz that I have control over so I have no problems nursing my drinks. I am a cheap date!! I can handle mixed drinks but have to be careful - the sugar will make me sick before the alcohol will. As for beer, give me a lambic and I'm happy. I also like wine, but prefer a nice desert port.
I am quite fond of me and stash's fruity melon Galvanize drinkies.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle