Thanks man, I appreciate that. I had 6 different fucking doctors look at me, and every single one of them said something different. Every. Single. One. The surgeons were the worst though, bloodthirsty motherfuckers.

General Bullshit Chat
Posted 15 July 2008 - 8:15 PM
Aw shit, thats just scary. And What a fuckin prick that Doc was to say that in front of your son.
I really hope everything turns out alright man. And I know you dont need me to tell you this, but take it easy.
I'll try and end on a positive note.....Hawaii eh? Sounds pretty sweet!
#6265 ThePumisher
Posted 16 July 2008 - 12:47 PM
So i found these two videos on youtube :
Sven Väth is playing Saturate -
A Chemical Brothers Minimix -
Posted 16 July 2008 - 10:33 PM
Pumisher did you do that Minimix?... If so, it aint half bad!
#6272 whirly
Posted 18 July 2008 - 2:44 AM
So Pooter, I figure you would know seeing as you work in law...
Is court reporting/stenography a good profession to get into?
I ask, because I want to go to school this coming winter. It's been soooo long since I've been in school and I'm kind of fearful to be honest. I'd really love to study art history, but what I really need to learn is a trade that I can make a living out of... because the thought of working in customer service til age 65 (if I'm lucky and can actually retire by then) really scares the crap out of me... I thought about going to court reporting school 14 years ago but that idea got nixed (and the only places around were private schools, which I couldn't afford). Now that the economy is in the shitter, I know people are going to be heading back to school in search of a trade. I found a community college that offers online courses for stenography, but I really don't know anyone out in the real world that has any pearls of wisdom for me when it comes to that type of profession.
Any thoughts?
Posted 18 July 2008 - 3:50 AM
It takes some dedication and I don't the percentage of people that actually goes through with it--a friend of mine took classes for two years and still wasn't certified.
It is, however, fairly lucrative, and from what I understand it's flexible, too. Give a few reporters a call and shoot them a few questions--I'm sure they'd be more than happy to answer. If you really want I can do some research for you.
#6274 whirly
Posted 18 July 2008 - 4:15 AM
That's good advice, Pooter. I'm still tossing the idea about and have been prodding about on the internet. There's some local court reporting associations nearby, so I might inquire with them. Outside of court reporting, there's medical transcribing as well as using stenography for closed caption and subtitling. Nothing's for sure school-wise, but I feel I need to make some changes. Part of that motivation is being stuck running the hamster wheel - I've had it up to 'here' with working a job with no foreseeable future. I'm grateful to have a job, but I don't want to do what I'm doing forever. It's the big jump to actually moving in a different direction that has me nervous.
#6276 inchemwetrust
Posted 18 July 2008 - 5:43 AM
If you want to make a career change Whirly, give it a try, just as long as you enjoy doing it and that there's plenty of space for that type of work on the job market.Part of my job is customer service and damn do I hate it, but most of my job is pretty cool,just making sure stores are compliant, inventory, operations, task managing, etc. But I now consider myself very concerned about my job because of the rumors of job cuts that I heard internally.
Whirly, take any opportunity that can give you an advantage! School's a good way to start.
#6277 VorpalStorm
Posted 18 July 2008 - 12:50 PM
I agree with Pooter and inchemwetrust. If your gut is tellin' ya to go seek something else, do it! I've personally found that stirring up the usual rut for something wildly new - while kinda scary sometimes - is 99.9% of the time completely worth it in some form. More of my love your direction for good things! =D
#6278 graysquire1969
Posted 18 July 2008 - 3:03 PM
I'm in agreement as well. I did it a few years ago, back to Uni for 5 years, and was the best thing I ever did. My wife's now looking to do a similar career change - life's too short to be doing something you don't enjoy. It's definitely worth doing. Good luck.