Congrats Mr. Poots! Here is to your next 10 post! Because after that 10 posts, I want you outta here! :P
Seriously though, how can you only have a little over a thousand posts...
Considering, I have about 3500 posts in the same amount of time as Mr. Poots. I dont even wanna look back at all the stupid shit I posted when I first came to the forum...but then again, its the stupid shit that made this forum funner. That, and the lack of Jeanie.
Whirly, it would be hard to imagine a Chems forum with out you :(. It will go from Sausage Fest to Sausage Factory. Seriously, I can only name 3 females that post on here within the last 3 months... Whirly, Jeanie, and Kwiddle.
I totally understand needing a rest, though. Speaking with you in April, you and stash have done just about everything a Chems fan could, and then some. I cant imagine how repetitive the whole forum thing is for you. I mean how many times have you been included in a conversation about which Chems Album is the best? Which Chems track is the most epic? Which forum member is the gayest? Why did Tom cut his hair?
All I ask (and im sure everyone on the forum agrees with this) is just dont become a stranger if you do decide to go... Not that a legend of your stature could ever become a stranger to the Chemical Forum... But, at least plug in from time to time.