General Bullshit Chat
#5464 whirly
Posted 26 May 2007 - 1:34 AM
OK - so I work in customer service, and generally the days go by and I have only 1, maybe 2 or 3 wingnuts that want to know more about the customer support representative helping them solve all their world's problems. But every once in a while, I get an uproarous gem like this one below I thought I would share (hey, the office seemed to love it).
random wingnut wrote:
> Thank you Mia, you have had to put up with my rants
> and raves when I get
> taken advantage of and its not your fault. I have
> liked our
> correspondence on a professional basis, you make me
> wonder as a bachelor
> more about who Mia is, and what she thinks about in
> a very crazy war
> zone, if you think in reality?
> I just buy a lot of my Christmas shopping on your
> web, I know the
> merchants to deal with and anyone from Asia or
> overseas, is a huge
> warning, I am retired and love to make people happy
> and smile so until
> some lucky lady comes into my life if it's the will
> of God will hit a
> jackpot of Love and secure. She will not have to
> work, we would travel
> and I just pray and see what happens. I always like
> the movie sleepless
> in Seattle, its strange how Jesus does His wonders.
> I bought it from
> fall 2006 to present but I believe it might have
> been around march 2007,
> it has not been that long right before you made a
> web change is best I
> remember, yes I have my shopping at my finger tips,
> it gives me time to
> do my book too. Not much for being around huge
> amount of people, its
> Marine thing! LOL
> I am an intuitive sensitive, do you understand? I
> feel energy and vibes
> about a person by their voice and eyes and also
> what's called remote
> viewing, I see stuff, its all a govt. study for
> intelligence work, some
> great names are Ed Dames. Fred Atwater, Paul H
> Smith, but the father of
> remote viewing is Ingo Swann. Its like tapping into
> the matrix. we pick
> targets, maybe sometime we can talk more? Its
> public knowledge so I
> have told you what I can. Look into learning, God
> gives us all a third
> eye to open our minds to, if you are not afraid to
> let Him mold and
> change you? My life is a story of good positive
> stuff. I like to grow
> orchids and roses and good music to soothe my raging
> soul. That was
> another thing I bought was an indoor light and it
> was dead, too for my
> flowers I put out. I thought it would be a new way.
> The bulb and
> whatever they call that electrical box was dead too,
> so I junked them,
> but at least you are honest and stated that and its
> why I love your web.
> You sold me two marc Chagall, the 12 tribes done by
> what was called the
> Stained windows of a medical prayer area, I own the
> tribe of Dan and the
> tribe of Asher and this artist and appraiser thing I
> have a piece of
> history that maybe priceless, worth big money. I
> have secured them with
> her and she is bring in the people who will know. So
> it all works out!
> The least they are worth is 48,000.00 each.
> God blesses those who pray and follow His laws to
> the best we can as
> sinners. I do not believe you can change unless your
> desire is there to
> stop a behavior. I know me and have overcome
> addiction and 55 major
> surgeries due to being blown up in the Bush, no G.
> Bush, I doubt he
> would have the courage to do what just a few of us
> do for freedom.
> tell me about yourself if you do not mine me asking?
> I feel a sense of
> a very warm loving heart and also some worries, they
> will be ok, trust
> Jesus. Do I make sense to you Mia? Tell me do you
> remember your dreams?
> Are you a lucid dreamer? can you wake up use the
> john and pick up the
> dream where you stopped or then do you jump to other
> multiple dreams? I
> ask for my research, so in my book I can talk about
> "gifts" or as I say,
> stuff God gives each of his Children you and me if
> we pay attention and
> pray much will be open in your soul of the Mother
> Mary our Holy Spirit
> and Jesus our redeemer. I still have things in the
> box, just waiting to
> see who gets the miter saw, or this gem or ring. If
> there is a women
> coming to me, I will spoil her rotten and give her
> the most important my
> heart and soul to cherish together in our journey
> together somewhere in
> the world in winters and summers at the ranch. I am
> sick of cold weather
> and want sun year round, I love the South Pacific
> Islands mostly the
> Cook islands, Rarotonga. Heaven on earth, I swear
> been there four times,
> I by pass Hawaii.
> Mwah! Kia Orana Mia!
#5466 whirly
Posted 26 May 2007 - 6:40 PM
I get a little freaked out when I see emails like that. I never respond when the customer crosses the line. Then a couple days later they will write back and say "Hey, you never wrote me back, did you get my last email? Whadda ya say?" and I still don't reply unless it's something business related. I guess some folks think I'm running the whole customer service show and aren't aware there are other reps reading these emails (and laughing their asses off). I've been asked out on dates, and I even had one person ask me to have sex with him and that's when my supervisor stepped in and politely told him to fuck off. I also got an interesting email yesterday, too. Complete with an image attachment. I mean, I know I'm a freak magnet but this email I got - he started talking like a pirate calling me "lass" and saying "see you at the faire!!" and I was so scared to open up the picture. Finally I did. It was a pic of the guy, dressed up as a pirate at some pirate faire. There are some strange, lonely people out there. But all in all, it's better than face-to-face confrontations like when I was working in retail. I had some mentally challenged person stalking me when I worked at Tower and that really freaked me out big time.
#5468 whirly
Posted 01 June 2007 - 2:00 AM
I'm going to be somewhat scarce around here for the next few days. I'll check in to read reviews, though! :) My friend is coming in for a visit and I'm really excited. She came to visit me last year, and she'll be staying a little longer this time - til Tuesday. I met her from the Chems old mailing list, so she's a really special friend I've had for about 7 years or so. Thanks to the Chems I've met all these wonderful people!!
Posted 01 June 2007 - 9:36 PM
Whirly , when can i call ?!
I was just reading back in this topic - posts i made about two years ago.
Jeez- my whole life is on this board.
I was posting about when i booked my big TV commercial job , and when i still used to go to DnB parties and get smashed on wodka's , its funny to read back and see how you've matured ( and also how my english improved! )
Ah sentimental value , this topic :lol:
#5472 makeskidskill
Posted 01 June 2007 - 9:47 PM
Jeanie! call in about... oh, 4 hours from whenever this post is... was... it's like 1:45 in the afternoon here, wait til like 6pm our time.
or tmrw... or sunday... whenever.
Speaking of which, I'm still trying to figure out which on of you forumites texted us last night to explain that you were 'enjoying a white christmas' wink wink
Posted 02 June 2007 - 9:02 PM
Yeah, that was me the other night. That's my cell number. Feel free to abuse it as you please.
I've read back through this thread and a few others in the past and it's amazing how candid I've been and how much of my life is on here, things I wouldn't tell friends or family. Quite good reminders of the things I've been through and things I've done.
Posted 02 June 2007 - 9:04 PM
Yeah Tim i agree.
Its weird innit. Like , the whole world can read this board , but i dont think of that when i write those things. I think of the people i know personally and all of those whove been posting for years.
Its funny how personal you actually get.
And to read back on 3 years of youre life!
Posted 02 June 2007 - 9:12 PM
Absolutely. Three years ago I was getting my history degree, still with my ex (and already not happy), had my other car, hadn't done any drugs beside weed, collected beer, and seemed so juvenile compared to now (although I know looking back on this time in a couple years I'll also be shaking my head).
Since no one I know in Winnipeg reads this I feel free to really speak my mind and open up, say things that I'd be a little more cautious about in reality. My ex used to check in here once in a while to check up on me and I really felt like my prviacy was being violated because I talked about so many things. Although that seems a bit funny since this is an internet forum and I'm sharing my life with foreigners!!!!