I hope The Chemical Brothers come to Australia in 2010. It would be awesome to see them live.

Chemical Brothers In Australia
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Posted 17 June 2010 - 6:42 AM
Im thinking POSSIBLY big day out (though personally i hope not).
Otherwise March-ish, for the pure and simple fact that WATN came out in june of 07 and they got here March 08.
SO hopefully the touring schedule roughly works out the same and we can have them here then.
just watch this space.
Otherwise March-ish, for the pure and simple fact that WATN came out in june of 07 and they got here March 08.
SO hopefully the touring schedule roughly works out the same and we can have them here then.
just watch this space.
Posted 17 June 2010 - 8:03 AM
If anything I reckon it will be 2011 ... I so hope they come out then. If they don't I am going to have to travel to see them, can't wait too much longer.
Further Remixed There's nothing else...
Posted 19 June 2010 - 1:04 AM
dj_sirbadgelot, on 17 June 2010 - 08:01 PM, said:
I would much prefer to see them at BDO over the terrible people I had to put up with @ Future music in 07.
I much wider range of cooler people at BDO as its not just dance music!! Besides its more of a chance to travel around 6 cities plus side gigs! Geez I'm gonna be broke....

its a little early but thanks anyway
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