I've got Chemical Beats and/or Song To The Siren for my ring tones.

General Bullshit Chat
#6342 whirly
Posted 07 August 2008 - 10:44 PM
hehehe, I wonder how many people here have Chems songs as ringtones. Good god we were such dorks!
This whole ringtone thing is a new concept for me. My last phone - I was on my mom's fam plan and the same phone for years - and I had a goofy and annoying Block Rockin' Beats ringtone. Since my mom was billed for the ringtone, I got an earful so Block Rockin was my only ringtone for years til I finally got the iphone - the phone which I've been lusting after for a year.
I was bummed that you couldn't really use music as ringtones with the iphone until I heard recently that now you could. I made Golden Path one of my ringtones (sort of), and Scale is my default. The stupid thing is, I'm stupid. :lol: I haven't gotten the hang of syncing my phone and the new iphone update was really lousy and thew me off. In my stupidity regarding syncing, I keep removing Golden Path when I want to add it to my list of ringtones... and when I successfully add Golden Path, my phone syncs and removes Scale.
It could be Mac being lame, but it's probably me. :P
#6347 inchemwetrust
Posted 09 August 2008 - 6:05 AM
Yep. I saw those cool graphics in the center of the arena. I love those drums that had those lights in them and then they did that countdown, which was pretty wicked. The best pyro I've seen at a stadium (or nest!)
I'm staying home tonight but this ceremony is just off the hook!
Posted 09 August 2008 - 8:31 AM
Yeah, I missed it earlier. Watching the rerun now on NBC as I type. Eye candy to the extreme.
Oh look, 'It's a small world'!
Diggin' the new United Commercial too...
#6351 graysquire1969
Posted 09 August 2008 - 7:57 PM
I'm in Hong Kong just now, and it's such a big deal. It's everywhere. Watched the opening at an open air event, and people were going nuts when the Chinese team came in, and Pres Hu spoke.
They've spent something like US$2-3 bn on building the venues alone - not counting all the other infrastructure. Impressive. And the pressure on the native athletes to knock the US off the top of the medal table is incredible.
Listening to the Chinese TV coverage is mental - I must be too used to the reserved BBC coverage, but the commentators are cheering Chinese competitors, and even joined in the national anthem earlier when China won a gold!
Entertaining few weeks ahead...
Posted 10 August 2008 - 6:12 AM
Well, having gone on a break from djing for a few months, I came back and blew apart the local club. But now, I realize how strange my set is.
This is it:
The Prodigy - Climbatize
ColdCut - Atomic Moog 2000
Propellerheads - Spybreak
Pink Floyd - Biding My Time (DJ Vapor Remix)
DJ Vapor - Live! (With Bass)
DJ Vapor - On The Streets Again
London Funk All Stars - Knee Deep In Beats
Hardknox - Coz I Can
Future Sound Of London - We Have Explosive
DJ Vapor - Into Gear
Fatboy Slim - The Weekend Starts Here
The Chemical Brothers - Believe
The Chemical Brothers - Music Response
Meat Beat Manifesto - Acid Again
ColdCut - Noah's Toilet (Instrumental Version)
Mr.Oizo - Transexual
The Chemical Brothers - Midnight Madness
To me, I feel that I need to change this around. But maybe its just me. Apparently my friend recorded the whole thing, so i'll try to get that up soon.
BTW - How the feck do I find the "post your music here prt deux" thread?

Posted 10 August 2008 - 6:57 AM
I'd love to hear your set. :)
This forum badly needs a more accessible search tool.
Here's the actual "your music" posting thread:
#6357 whirly
Posted 10 August 2008 - 6:55 PM
hehe - we all have Olympic fever and have watched hours of footage so far. We're watching weight lifting right now! These people could pick one of me up in each arm and comfortably throw me clear across a room. :lol:
There was an interview with a gymnastics coach on very very very early this morning - the same coach that made an appearance in the Elektrobank video. I was in bed by midnight, and my husband tried to stay up to see it but he ended up crashing before it was aired.
Posted 12 August 2008 - 5:57 AM
Ah, fuck--the ups and the downs of life kill me sometimes.
Lost some money from a stupid, stupid mistake that this idiotic fucking bureaucratic state-run system, which shall remain nameless at the moment, made. It's basically a situation which has screwed me over and over again in the past few months.
Today, however, things seemed to take a turn for the better. I won the office baby pool, which consists of betting on when pregnant staff-members will give birth. Forty bucks, not bad. It's not much compared to what I'd already lost, but hey, I'll take it. ;-)
And only TWO MORE WEEKS UNTIL MY TRIP!!! :) :) :)