General Bullshit Chat
Posted 15 August 2006 - 6:30 AM
This Saturday, Snakes on a Plane. Oh yeah, it's going to be so bad it hurts. We have some brownies saved for the occasion. Now we need to rally the troops to see if they want to come along for the ride.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 15 August 2006 - 8:10 AM
whirlygirl Escribi�:
I think anType must be very busy these days, maybe he's gotten himself a serious girlfriend, or perhaps he has moved on to things beyond the chemical realm.
Last time I talked to him he said he now works decoding computers. He said college was more fun...
Posted 15 August 2006 - 12:30 PM
Jeanie Escribi�:
Snakes on a Plane. I had soooo many laughs about only that name X-D
I watched the end to the MTV movie awards the over night and Samual L presented the award for best movie but for the first five mintues he went on boasting that their will be no need for any nominations next year 'cos Snakes on a plane will win best movie....unless theirs another movie out with more mother fucken snakes on more mother fucking planes.
Oh god I was in tears
The stupid thing is though knowing MTV it probably will win
its a little early but thanks anyway
Posted 16 August 2006 - 3:38 PM
Hehehe , see you in Buzzed !!
I'm in the middle of my 10 days driving lessons course. It's fucking hard man. Today was the second day ( hold youre comments , i know that is not the middle :P) , the first and second day you go in a simulator but it's like a real car , everything is so realistic! I learned everything in two days and the next days i will have to do all of that on the road. But , i'm not made to be a driver i think. I suck! Haha X-D
Yesterday eve i was so tired i fell asleep so early....today i was finished earlier and tomorrow i will go in the real car.
Exciting exciting...!
I'm in the middle of my 10 days driving lessons course. It's fucking hard man. Today was the second day ( hold youre comments , i know that is not the middle :P) , the first and second day you go in a simulator but it's like a real car , everything is so realistic! I learned everything in two days and the next days i will have to do all of that on the road. But , i'm not made to be a driver i think. I suck! Haha X-D
Yesterday eve i was so tired i fell asleep so early....today i was finished earlier and tomorrow i will go in the real car.
Exciting exciting...!
Posted 16 August 2006 - 5:56 PM
Jeanie Escribi�:
But , i'm not made to be a driver i think. I suck! Haha X-D
Don't worry about it Jeanie, I went through exactly the same thing, as does everyone. Somewhere around the 6-7th day, it'll be a piece of piss, you'll wonder what all the fuss was about and think that driving is so easy you don't know why you struggled in the first place. It may seem a long way off but have faith and don't be afraid to be told you've done it wrong. You'll pick it with time, in about a week's time you'll be driving as well as anyone else
#3997 toomuchstash
Posted 16 August 2006 - 6:33 PM
So, yesterday I downloaded a copy of a Dean Koontz book. It's what I do when I'm bored at work, download pirated books from this russian website, print em out and read em. But the book I got yesterday was an encrypted PDF, right, it had the printing options disabled, so I would have had to sit and read it in front of the computer, which I hate, because I like to print them and take 5 or 10 pages out to smoke, while I'm eating, in the shitter, wherever, right?
So this morning when I discovered the encryption, I did a quick google search for pdf cracker, went to demonoid, downloaded a cracked version of the cracker, decrypted it, and am currently printing it. Total time: 6 minutes.
I pwn.
So, yesterday I downloaded a copy of a Dean Koontz book. It's what I do when I'm bored at work, download pirated books from this russian website, print em out and read em. But the book I got yesterday was an encrypted PDF, right, it had the printing options disabled, so I would have had to sit and read it in front of the computer, which I hate, because I like to print them and take 5 or 10 pages out to smoke, while I'm eating, in the shitter, wherever, right?
So this morning when I discovered the encryption, I did a quick google search for pdf cracker, went to demonoid, downloaded a cracked version of the cracker, decrypted it, and am currently printing it. Total time: 6 minutes.
I pwn.
Posted 17 August 2006 - 8:22 AM
<--- pro behind the wheel...................and the backseat