Brixton Gigs Dec 9th & 10th
Posted 07 December 2005 - 2:10 PM
Nice one Jeanie!
Anyhoo, I'm gong to Brix on Fri... then straight to bed afterwards! I'm getting too old for the whole 'work all day-go to gig-then go clubbing' bender! X-D
Anyhoo, I'm gong to Brix on Fri... then straight to bed afterwards! I'm getting too old for the whole 'work all day-go to gig-then go clubbing' bender! X-D
Hubie Sounds | Fortnightly Tuesdays @ 9pm UK Time | Live & Direct on www.nsbradio.co.uk
Bass[sic] | Bi-monthly bass music clubnight in the heart of Shoreditch | Follow us on Mixcloud!
Bass[sic] | Bi-monthly bass music clubnight in the heart of Shoreditch | Follow us on Mixcloud!
Posted 07 December 2005 - 2:32 PM
I'm coming on friday , i'll arrive @ Luton around 3 , then i have to go to Oxford Circus to meet the bloke i buy my tickets for Saturday.
Mips will sort me out with a ticket for friday and i'll sort him out for Saturday. Whiehoo!
And than it's time to go ape.
Flights are booked!There is no turning back !!
AAAAAAAH !!!!!! AAAAAH !!!!! AAAAAH !!!!
In 2 days !! Fucking hell !!!
I'm coming on friday , i'll arrive @ Luton around 3 , then i have to go to Oxford Circus to meet the bloke i buy my tickets for Saturday.
Mips will sort me out with a ticket for friday and i'll sort him out for Saturday. Whiehoo!
And than it's time to go ape.
Flights are booked!There is no turning back !!
AAAAAAAH !!!!!! AAAAAH !!!!! AAAAAH !!!!
In 2 days !! Fucking hell !!!
Posted 07 December 2005 - 3:33 PM
Jeanie Escribi�:
I'm coming on friday , i'll arrive @ Luton around 3 , then i have to go to Oxford Circus to meet the bloke i buy my tickets for Saturday.
Mips will sort me out with a ticket for friday and i'll sort him out for Saturday. Whiehoo!
And than it's time to go ape.
Flights are booked!There is no turning back !!
AAAAAAAH !!!!!! AAAAAH !!!!! AAAAAH !!!!
In 2 days !! Fucking hell !!!
8) Go ape, young lady! Go APE!!!
Hell yeah, I'm so fuckin happy for you Jeanie, you're going to have such an incredible time. You get to see the very last live show of the tour!!
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 07 December 2005 - 7:13 PM
Ah well Thomas , i dont go to Chems gig to set a record so it's all yours ;)
I do warn everybody that i'm gonna meet.
I am already hyper now - my hyperness will increase every minute from now on. Friday eve i will explode.
No fucking burrito in Erick's house but
Fucking Cheese in Erick's house 8O
I do warn everybody that i'm gonna meet.
I am already hyper now - my hyperness will increase every minute from now on. Friday eve i will explode.
No fucking burrito in Erick's house but
Fucking Cheese in Erick's house 8O
#48 irishfan
Posted 07 December 2005 - 7:26 PM
i don't go to chems gigs to set records i'm just saying i'm proud i got to see them so many times this year. and i wasn't trying to brag or anything.
damn if i could get off work friday i would so love to go to brixton must annoy manger at work tomorrow
damn if i could get off work friday i would so love to go to brixton must annoy manger at work tomorrow
Posted 08 December 2005 - 5:46 PM
Jeez, it was all spare of the moment like..
It was like 2 days ago.. yeh im going to brixton :P
Im happy for you. Hope you get to see the class 'atom' visuals (as i call them) at the start.. I was waiting for HBHG and seen that on the screen was like whuh.. so it definately catches your attention :)
It was like 2 days ago.. yeh im going to brixton :P
Im happy for you. Hope you get to see the class 'atom' visuals (as i call them) at the start.. I was waiting for HBHG and seen that on the screen was like whuh.. so it definately catches your attention :)
Posted 08 December 2005 - 11:34 PM
i am fucking excited :D i am sooo looking forward to this, its gonna rock the big one!!
bit of drama yesterdaym turns out either a)i lost my ticket b) i ordered my ticket and it never came or c) i never actually ordered my ticket (for fri) :-//
i have gone through EVERYTHING and still cant find it hahaha. i dont even remember getting it through the post tbh :-// fuck knows, anyway fortunately my mate had one left, so i have to buy it again hahaha good job he did or id have been is serious trrrrouble! X-D
bit of drama yesterdaym turns out either a)i lost my ticket b) i ordered my ticket and it never came or c) i never actually ordered my ticket (for fri) :-//
i have gone through EVERYTHING and still cant find it hahaha. i dont even remember getting it through the post tbh :-// fuck knows, anyway fortunately my mate had one left, so i have to buy it again hahaha good job he did or id have been is serious trrrrouble! X-D