Herbcide such as clomazole, use generally has negative impacts on bird populations, although the impacts are highly variable and often require field studies to predict accurately. Laboratory studies have at times overestimated negative impacts on birds due to toxicity, predicting serious problems that were not observed in the field. Most observed effects are due not to toxicity but to habitat changes and the decrease in abundance of species birds rely on for food or shelter. Herbicide use in silviculture, used to favor certain types of growth following clearcutting, can cause significant drops in bird populations. Even when herbicides are used which have low toxicity to birds, the herbicides decrease the abundance of many types of vegetation which the birds rely on.

Ecological effects of Herbcide
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#1 janelee
Posted 07 October 2009 - 3:09 PM
Posted 08 October 2009 - 4:31 AM
This is almost nostalgic. Had it been spam from an online pharmacy, I would have nearly thought the year 2006 was speaking to me.
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