I hope its not to late but i listen to this song everyday and it would rock my socks if there was a music video to burst generator.
Should a Burst Generator music video be made.
#8 whirly
Posted 09 September 2008 - 11:22 PM
Damn if I can find an intervew from a couple of years that said one of the vegetable vision guys (I think it was Adam) made a video for the Private Psychedelic Reel... Who knows if it will ever see the light of day.
Anyway, I'm not all that interested in seeing a video for the Reel. It's not that I don't think it could be great, and it's not like I don't like Chemical Brothers videos (I love them!!) But. The Reel is my favorite song, it means so many things and is intensely personal... I already have images in my head that play out when I hear this - nevermind the live images... The live bit on the Singles DVD works. Maybe a video for this song would work in a pictoral montage sense, but something scripted, a story no matter how trippy it is to accompany The Reel would seem weird to me. Too concocted. It may sound horrible but if a video were available I really don't know if I'd want to even watch it. All is well if you leave well enough alone, you know?
Not sure if I'd want to see a Burst Generator video either.
Posted 09 September 2008 - 11:26 PM
maybe just a black screen with a white circle that fades in and thumps to the beat and then when the song explodes, color will go everywhere with tom and ed wide-eyed and laughing and screaming. Perhaps somewhat like how Will Wright's face appeared in the center of the galaxy in the Spore Creature Creator (not the retail game)
#10 Champiness
Posted 10 September 2008 - 1:18 AM
You guys are seriously turning down the chance for a Reel video? Anything we can get from beneath the Sofa is worthwhile. If you don't like the idea of a song's perfect existence being shattered by a series of images set to it, don't watch it. Just don't spoil the fun for the rest of us.
And in reference to the ACTUAL TOPIC OF THE THREAD (you guys amaze me sometimes...), the video can be viewed (and purchased if you're one of the lucky few who live in the UK) here:
#11 whirly
Posted 10 September 2008 - 2:46 AM
^ I never said I'd not watch it, Champ. I said I really wouldn't know if I'd watch it... obviously for fear my idea of musical perfection would be shattered by a series of images set to it, as you say. Nice. And I am the only one here that objected so far so it's not fair of you to say that "you guys are seriously turning down the chance for a Reel video." But opinions are like assholes and I'm feeling a bit like an asshole today, so my deepest apologies for spoiling the fun. :rolleyes:
If and when the day comes and a Reel video were suddenly dangling in front of me, I'd probably change my tune, crack under the pressure and wouldn't be able to look away, hehe.
Oh. And you should know by now that threads rarely stay on topic around here! It's hardly amazing.
#16 inchemwetrust
Posted 15 September 2008 - 5:14 AM
Right on Jack!
MM Video was........oh nevermind!
I'm down for a 'Reel' video, but if it's going to be done, it's gotta be done correct!
As for 'Saturate', that's easy! Get a video cam showing some fries in a deep fryer at McDonalds for a couple of minutes!
#17 Champiness
Posted 16 September 2008 - 9:14 PM
You guys (hopefully an accurate reference this time) really have a way of making me feel like a total idiot about a previously sane post. Everyone's free to have their own opinion.