General Bullshit Chat
Posted 10 March 2007 - 12:09 AM
Do u ever feel the need to dance ?! Well , i just discover that the best thing to do is...DANCE!
I put on my iPod , some funky Underworld , turned of the ligths , and danced all by myself for half an hour. I don't care what you people think of me , it felt great , i feel very peacefull and no i'm not high or drunk.
Posted 10 March 2007 - 12:43 AM
Jeanie Escribi�:
This is not bullshit. This is a very serious medication.
Do u ever feel the need to dance ?! Well , i just discover that the best thing to do is...DANCE!
I put on my iPod , some funky Underworld , turned of the ligths , and danced all by myself for half an hour. I don't care what you people think of me , it felt great , i feel very peacefull and no i'm not high or drunk.
I dance in my room once in a while :-// I just crank up some Chemical Brothers (usually Three Little Birdies Down Beats for some reason), and just do my thang. I would probably do it more often but im sure my family would be annoyed with my volume maxed out. :P :-//
Posted 10 March 2007 - 1:48 AM
Jeanie Escribi�:
This is not bullshit. This is a very serious medication.
Do u ever feel the need to dance ?! Well , i just discover that the best thing to do is...DANCE!
I put on my iPod , some funky Underworld , turned of the ligths , and danced all by myself for half an hour. I don't care what you people think of me , it felt great , i feel very peacefull and no i'm not high or drunk.
I do that all the time - Just nod along to the music sometimes go crazy on my chair or get up and bust a few moves about my room. Its healthy - I think you'd be a bit weird if you DIDN'T do that but thats me.
I usually go ape for chemicals - flashbacks and everything. Love that like. Its almost a hobby - come in from a nice day and decide to bop it out in the comfort of your own home.
Posted 10 March 2007 - 3:24 AM
I'd love them to go on the chemical 6 tour and do something like that, id live happily ever after
Posted 10 March 2007 - 5:11 AM
and as always I followed the chems live youtube trail.
mmmmm I want to see them again!
Posted 10 March 2007 - 5:11 AM
Posted 10 March 2007 - 5:55 AM
A pal from years ago (he posted here a couple of times, the name's Chris) sent me a Setting Sun shirt and the video cassette of Fatboy and the Chems at Red Rocks along with a bunch of videos from electronic artists they showed on the AMP program. Aside from the Red Rocks footage there's some great videos, like that Unkle Rabbit In Your Headlights which is amazing. And there's some strange videos too - one by an artist I don't remember the name of but the video was filmed out at Burning Man.
That old tape got a lot of play, back in the day. It was so great to go for a night out and come home exhausted, pop in that video tape, then get a second rushy wave of goodness from seeing and hearing the Red Rocks footage. I need to dig that tape out again. It's been far too long since I've watched it.
Posted 10 March 2007 - 5:33 PM
It's such an aerobics song they always played it at this gym i used to go to where all the gay man went.
This is a WICKED Tune ( And its filmed in Holland 8) )
#5115 irishfan
Posted 11 March 2007 - 2:06 PM
It's such an aerobics song they always played it at this gym i used to go to where all the gay man went.
i'm in that that video clip .ha small world
Posted 12 March 2007 - 12:53 AM
No offense to all you Americans :-// :P
Posted 12 March 2007 - 12:57 AM
I also cleared out the last reminders of my ex, boxing them up and packing them away. I was surprised to find myself getting a tiny bit emotional with some of them. There were a lot of good memories from the beginning of first falling in love.
I went through some of the pictures and I could see in the older pictures every reason why I liked her so much. There was so much vitality and life and charm about her. As the pictures became more and more recent, there was just something that had changed, subtly but evident to me in her demeanor and expression, and I could find precious little attractive about her in the later pics.
It was sad because I saw how much potential we had that we squandered but I also reaffirmed my thoughts that finally getting out was a great decision. Lately, due to changes in myself, I'd almost begun to believe a bit that I should have tried harder. No, I made the right decision. We went on separate paths years ago.
Was hoping to see the new girl tonight but she has a long-standing tradition of watching Desperate Housewives with a friend on Sunday evenings and, though I was invited, I declined, citing studying as the excuse (which is true, I've got a test tomorrow). Still have no idea if this is going anywhere, as I've seen her only sparingly over the last few weeks, but we'll see.
Posted 12 March 2007 - 3:39 AM
Posted 12 March 2007 - 3:49 AM
Foxboy Escribi�:
Just finished my final piece for my second project in Art - Its about Guantanamo Bay and how its wrong etc.
No offense to all you Americans :-// :P
Hell man, I'm not offended in the slightest. Gitmo is one stain on the history of humankind that should not be forgotten. IMO as an artist, if you feel strongly about something that violates the fiber of your being then you should not feel the need to apologize bringing emotion like that into your art.
Nicely done - I like how Amnesty International is incorporated into the piece. Did you get to choose the subject matter, or was the assignment specifically on art/politics?