General Bullshit Chat
Posted 27 November 2006 - 5:26 AM
In all seriousness if it had been a newbie or random troll who posted that shit, would it fly or hit the fan?
I am really happy to not be on spam and diaper duty. And I have a lot of faith in the mods.
Posted 27 November 2006 - 12:32 PM
But seriously people what is up with all the drama lately.
It's the fucking internet.
Personaly i didn't think Slipvins joke was that bad - i had a punk'd moment when i found out it was a joke ;) I dont really agree with all the drama that came with that. But everybody's own opinion about that.
I do agree that i'm tired of all the bitching at eachother on this board.
And all the spam. In 2 days of being mod i experience that there is way more spam than we even see - because usually when most of us come online somebody already cleaned it up.
And yeah i thought hijacking Ed's Jerk Chicken thread was a nit nonsens.
This place is very special for me and i also think that i used to enjoy it more in the past than now.
IT'S THE INTERNET !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oke. Done.
Posted 27 November 2006 - 1:55 PM
i dont think whirly was serious when she said she was gonna edit slipvins posts. as it happens i agree, i dont think peoples posts should be edited unless its illegal or offensive to the point of practically being illegal.
i thought forum admin was prob slipvin, could just tell. the thing is, i wasnt that arsed either way - if someone else had done it i probably would have thought it was quite funny. but it was slipvin, and he is a proper troll, so it just added to my overall opinion of him.
slipvin - like a bad smell he just keeps hanging round and gettin in peoples noses. i hate his wind people up then turn round and say its alll joke way of doing things. he doesnt really bring anything positive to the forum, he's rude, immature and unfunny.
but - for the sake of keepin the pecae thats it - no more bitchin, no more complaining. if he irritates me, im just gonna ignore it. thats it.
as for the spam/modding - i think modding involves taking out illegal stuff and deleting spam. thats it, its pretty much a self-moderated forum anyway and i like that. i dont think the spam is a 'crisis' , i just ignore it, if it gets deleted once a day thats fine. i agree its annoying but theres worse things in the world that annoy me.
mips x
Posted 27 November 2006 - 2:10 PM
Anyways, I think they should employ this guy to create a video for them

Posted 27 November 2006 - 2:25 PM

Posted 27 November 2006 - 2:40 PM
anType Escribi�:
What I find weird, unfair and fucking wrong is that there's THREE mods right now and most of the time it's whirly who gets all the bashing for being a bad mod :? I mean... wtf! She's more commited to fightining spam than anyone on this board can be, she really makes it part of her day-to-day life and the lot of you are giving her that kind of attitude, how much more pathetic can it get? Some people really need to get out more...
No I think it was more the fact that she said about Slipvin being now regarded as a spammer which got peoples backs up. She did a great job of moderating :) but we felt the death of Slipvin was abuse of power. It's all sorted now, so lets enjoy some chocolate digestives.

Posted 27 November 2006 - 5:50 PM
Personally - Im not fussed about the spam, it can be a little bit annoying but I mean its not a question of life or death like, its only spam. However it is alot more pleasant without it cause sometimes you wonder if it is spam then to go in and find out its not! But apart from that I couldn't care :/
Keep up the good work, all of us should be mods - haha - were the only ones who ever come on here :P[/joke]
Posted 27 November 2006 - 6:19 PM
Foxboy Escribi�:
Im not fussed about the spam, it can be a little bit annoying but I mean its not a question of life or death like, its only spam.
You would find it annoying if you knew how much spam was on here, but because of the mods work they keep it nice and clean for us all. I still believe another forum is a good idea...

Posted 27 November 2006 - 8:43 PM
iguanapunk Escribi�:
I still believe another forum is a good idea...
It seems like a good idea, because you could really make the new one look cool and put all the cool tools in there aswell, but that means loosing the database here and all that stuff and that dosent seem too cool :/
Posted 27 November 2006 - 9:02 PM
Or, maybe editing the dodgy post, removing the bad parts of it, leaving an appropriate comment in it's place is better?