awesome, its on a bank holiday weekend so there must be loads of places to go =D

Chemical Brothers to play London's Olympia in 2008
#322 Mitzitwinkles
Posted 19 July 2008 - 9:56 PM
I'm sure there will be a lot on! August bank holidays are always buzzin'. My fella and I are so excited! I can't believe Erol Alkan is supporting too, That guy is AMAZING!
We've got a hotel booked for after (about 0.91 miles from the venue) but i'm betting we won't be using it much..not long now :O))
#329 Mitzitwinkles
Posted 21 July 2008 - 6:36 AM
haha! I passed out once in th emiddle of the place, so at least you passed out tidily away on the steps! I remember being picked up and given some water but i still couldn't string a sentence together or stop slumpin' in the corner so we had to go.. Ahhh! Memories :O)
#334 graysquire1969
Posted 26 July 2008 - 6:49 AM
(Posted this in TICKETS! TICKETS! TICKETS! as well)
It's a disaster...
I'm not going to be able to make the Olympia show - having to work away from home, can't get back in time. So, there's 2 tickets, at face value, to anyone that may be interested. If you are, drop a note here and I can arrange something.
Posted 26 July 2008 - 10:14 PM
Awww i guess i'm to late for the ticket graysquire.. i'm looking for 3 tickets.. one for me my dad and mom. I really wanted to take them to a chemical brothers gig. The flight already has been booked and the hotel also. But the problem was that I wasn't sure if I made it on school, but I made it. So I can go to the gig. And thats why i'm buying the tickets so late. So it looks like I can forget it, and need to tell my parents that the show is sold-out..
i'm depressed now :(