Krisper, on 25 January 2011 - 07:01 PM, said:
I don't mind paying whatever it costs. Getting the money to you from OS may be a bit tricky, via Paypal would be easiest but they will take a cut from what you receive so you'll have to allow for that. I think it is 3-4%.
But as far as shipping OS, should be a piece of cake, just need a thick envelope big enough for the shirt, a customs dec on it, the post office will make sure that happens, and then postage. Should be no taxes or fees, apart from the envelope and postage, and of course a bit for your time and petrol money getting to the post. Shipping to the US is different, you guys just introduced a new $10 fee for every parcel we send your way to cover your scans. Ridiculous if you ask me. Anyway, no other country should have that sort of fee that I know of.
If you end up short from your calculations, just tell us and we'll bump you the extra.
Thanks Krisper. It's my first time shipping anything OS so any information I'd need to know would be really helpful.
Paypal is the plan, I'll be using my mom's account, cause I'm not old enough to legally have an account myself. Looks like Paypal automatically handles different currencys, so hopefully no troubles there. And by taxes I meant the sales tax on having the shirts made and by fees I meant the Paypal cut, postage, and whatever else factors in.
Will use big envelopes. Do you think a bubble-wrapped package would be neccissary for shipping the shirts, or would a regular one be fine? I know to go heavy on the packing tape, I've been told that sometimes packages get opened at customs and that they tend to skip the more heavily wrapped ones. Considering postage, is there a certain type of postage for OS shipping? If so, how much would it cost?
I don't think I'll come up short on money, but thanks for the offer. Also, my country's $10 fee sounds pretty stupid

hopefully we don't run into anything else like that.
I'll go to the printing place over the weekend, and I'll keep taking offers til then. So far we've got:
- Myself
- Krisper
- brother_ging
- BoyWithTheGoldenEyes
- ThePumisher
- Owa
- graysquire1969
- csar
- ChemicalRudy
- Scales
and I'll edit the list as we go.
PS: I'll need you guys' shirt sizes too.