A friend of mine also pointed out that the flyer for the night has a WATN feel to it. I know what he means.
Chems@ The Warehouse Project, Manchester > Rumour
#23 3hree6ix5ive
Posted 05 August 2008 - 11:19 PM
Just noticed this little slip:
Simian Mobile Disco [ Live ]
If one brilliant duo isn’t enough for you, then how about two brilliant duo's?
This is just getting ridiculous now, I'm going to have to buy my tickets pretty soonish. Support isn't really Prodigy-esque either is it? They've basically given it away..
Posted 07 August 2008 - 6:18 PM
yah......I take back the previous statement and hang my head in shame.....not really.
It was just a tottally out there speculation on my part.
But with reding the flyer and reminding myself that Justin Robertson is playing.........good possiblities. Goes against the *rumor* that Olympia would be the last show till 2010. But inchem could be right along the DJ set line.
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel