A Mixed Bag: Fans' Chems Remixes And Mix/comps
Posted 23 March 2013 - 10:36 AM
I've finally got round to uploading this, I did a mix of Hanna and Further stuff. Mainly because I wanted a selection of Hanna stuff without having to listen to the whole soundtrack. Other things have been thrown in just to make the mix run a bit smoother.
I'll upload part 2 soon.

Posted 26 March 2013 - 8:40 PM
Mumbo, on 23 March 2013 - 6:36 AM, said:
I've finally got round to uploading this, I did a mix of Hanna and Further stuff. Mainly because I wanted a selection of Hanna stuff without having to listen to the whole soundtrack. Other things have been thrown in just to make the mix run a bit smoother.
I'll upload part 2 soon.
This is a clever concept with a lot of interesting bits. My favorite part was Don't Think into Escape Wavefold.
Very good listen for Chems fans, definitely post part 2.
Posted 02 April 2013 - 3:58 PM
I'm very much liking yours, Eis-T!
Here's part 2 of the mix

Posted 06 February 2015 - 12:16 AM
Snow (Sonic Tramp Remix)
The Devil Is In The Beats
Don't Think (Eis-T Remix)
Swoon (Boys Noize Summer Remix)
XTC (The Chemical Brothers Remix) - Boys Noize
Do It Again (Oliver Huntemann Remix)
Klaxons - Love Frequency (Tom Rowlands Remix)
Another World (Polymath Remix)
Through Me - Tom Rowlands
Get Yourself High (Switches Rely On Dub)
Horse Power (Popof Remix)
Nothing But Pleasure - Tom Rowlands
It Doesn't Matter
Hey Boy, Hey Girl (Soulwax Remix)
Dissolve (NDG Remix)
Elektrobank (Original) / (Dust Brothers Remix)
Wonders Of The Deep (Edwardo Torres Remix)
Don't Think
Pourquoi (Rhythm Scholar Dead Pixels Remix)
Escape Velocity (Eddie Pedalo Remix) / (White Noise's Binary Star Remix) / (original)
I made this in 2014 and held onto it waiting for a proper digital copy of Love Frequency, but it never happened. In addition to the main tracks, I've taken many remixes from Futher Remixed and included bits and pieces as edits, DJ tools, and as extensions of The Chemical Brothers themselves. All tracks are used with love and respect. (I will remove the mix upon request, but I hope it is well received).
What I Feel
The Test
Otter Rock
Hey Boy Hey Girl (Tim Davison Mix)
Star Guitar (Peter Heller's Expanded Mix)
Studio K
Surface To Air
Pioneer Skies
The Sunshine Underground
We Are The Night
Chemical Beats (Dave Clarke Remix)
The Private Pscyhedelic Reel
I created this in early 2013 and immediately shelved it. I went back and listened to it a few months later and found I had been way too hard on myself; this strange mix is very appealing to me.
Posted 27 February 2015 - 8:02 PM
Anyone else wanna at least take a listen? I feel a bit silly bumping the post, but I really thought more of the Brothers and Sisters here would dig them.
Posted 28 February 2015 - 4:39 PM
satur8, on 27 February 2015 - 2:02 PM, said:
Anyone else wanna at least take a listen? I feel a bit silly bumping the post, but I really thought more of the Brothers and Sisters here would dig them.
I think a lot of us have a habit of listening to stuff and never taking the time to reply - I'm pretty damn guilty of that. If I were president (again) and this were a more frequented thread like "POST YOUR STUFF" I'd propose an informal kitten rule that at least 3-4 people should to reply to a submission before submitting their own, that would guarantee replies.
I am digging the absolute shit out of FurtherMore. Firstly The Klaxon Remix to Polymath's Another World was downright orgasmic, the return of Get Yourself High in Horse Power was really creative, and the transition from K+D+B to Devil Beats was handled impressively well considering how big of a tempo jump that was. Heck, basically all the transitions in the mix were excellent. The flow or 'vibe' from track was well orchestrated, nothing felt awkward out of place, the next song always sounded like the next natural step. And the whole thing's themed well too. This is a fantastic mix all around.
I have to be more critical of "What I Feel" though... the song choice felt a little bit trite and the transitions were arbitrary at best... I want The Test - Otter Rock to work but something about the key the guitar line is written in just clashes badly with The Test's outro. It sounded like a playlist, one song stops and another starts, except the tracks happen to be beatmatched. Studio K - S2A - Hoops was the high point, probably the most creative transitions in the mix, and the rest of the mix after that was better than the first half. They're great songs but they don't seem to play nice with each other.
Posted 01 March 2015 - 12:31 AM
Whitenoise - Thanks for the kind words on the first mix. Initially I wasn't sure about wedging 'Devil Beats' in there, but I felt I needed to lead with Snow/K+D+B and slowing it back down sensibly was a challenge. I still wish I had a higher quality version of Love Frequency to put in there, but I did my best with the EQ and am very pleased with the way Polymath's track worked with me. I also enjoyed the way Edwardo Torres' Wonders remix played on Elektrobank.
Also, it is always harder to give constructive criticism than postivie feedback, so I sincerely appreciate your honesty. FurtherMore certainly is the better of the two mixes, and it is a shame that the very first trasnistion on What I Feel is the weakest; I agree, and it is why I initially shelved the mix. I felt it was more true (to me) to keep it "as is" (and not re-work it) when I decided to post it with FurtherMore. As for the song selection, I was DEFINITELY going more for epic classsics than trite (LOL). I knew from the start this was a weird mix, and your playlist analagy is fair.
However, I will defend the style of the trasitions. It's true most are simply beatmatched (with EQ adjustments), but I feel they are long and complex like an old-school DJ, not just automated end-to-start like a media player. It's a retro style, but I think sometimes it's best to highlight the artist by letting the classics play long rather than juggle them up and focus on the DJ. That's what I was going for here. It did not work for you (and probably others), but your dislikes were specific and constructive. Thanks.
As WN said, I also have a habit of listening to / enjoying fan stuff posting here and not commenting. I will also be more vocal in the future. Thanks again to those that listened. I have one or two more concepts I will create in 2015, depending on what Tom and Ed release.
Posted 06 March 2015 - 11:57 AM
What we're not good at is showing appreciation for the works of art that these people share with us. I agree with Satur8 on that.
Posted 06 March 2015 - 11:24 PM
satur8, on 28 February 2015 - 6:31 PM, said:
I actually really enjoy that old school style of mixing, in fact the first mix I ever did and most mixes I do are like that! Let the songs do all the speaking after all. What I was trying to point out is that the songs didn't mix well with each other: with the old school style of mixing there has to be some amount of "handshake" between the two songs in order to make a good transition. Some songs mix into each other perfectly while others don't. And the problem with this mix is that in most cases there isn't that handshake. That's what threw me off.
I should repost that old mix by the way... made quite a few fixes and extensions to it over the years, I was in middle school when I first threw it together.
Posted 26 March 2015 - 9:04 PM
Brother1, on 24 March 2015 - 5:37 AM, said:
Thanks Brother1, I appreciate it! However, the cool Hanna mixes were from Mumbo.
I don't mind putting mine up for download, but I don't currently have a hosted solution. Soundcloud was pretty rough on me for copyrighted tracks in the past, so that's no longer an option. Maybe this weekend I'll set up a new Dropbox account and add them there by email request.
I like Mixcloud because the artists are taken care of, but there is no download option. Does anyone have another suggestion of where I can post them for download by the members of the forum? tnx
Posted 27 March 2015 - 12:51 AM
Hope it helps