maneater was all about the production her voice lacks emotion but the music behind them is incredible

so what is your opinion on watn
Posted 16 May 2007 - 7:19 PM
Oh yes, I'd also like to register a formal complaint:
- Stash wrote:
After years of telling us to dig our own hole, to come with them, to take the Test, not to Hold Back, etc... NOW they fucking tell me that the Pills Won't Help.
Great, thanks a lot. I want a formal written apology to my lost brain cells.
I hope it was not to late telling you the pills won't help you neither now nor then :lol: . But you're right. They should have known it since from the very first coz they're chemical brothers...
Posted 16 May 2007 - 7:37 PM
I work electronic shop where we also sell cd's. I could get a promo copy through EMI. And than I would listen to it and buy the vinyl and the cd at the day of release, listen to it again while flipping through the booklett. Also promo's of the single are being sold on ebay. I'm also looking for what singles of Do it again are being released and what the Limited edition of WATN could be. I am for artists rights and would never deny my favourite bands incomes or not going to gigs. But this is the excitement and build up to the new album. Thank God it is not Hyped like PTB. But promo's are being released, tracks are played on BBC radio. I would listen to them all and still be one of the first to run to the record store on June the 14th (or buying it porbably a couple of days earlier in my store). Let it hear to your friends, listen to it yourself as anticipation for that June date. Than run to the store and put down your euros, pounds, dollars for this great piece of music. Do NOT put it up for graps on Soulseek or Limewire and let shitty versions of the album flow to every corner of the world and let people who may not be that interested spread it even further and because of that dropping sales or something like that.
Respect to all who won't listen to it untill they have bought it themselves. But I am very happy having heard it, I will jump and scream when I recognize my favourites in Tilburg or at the Roundhouse and I will be very happy when I can look at the great art of the booklett a couple of days later.
Many thanks and much respect to Ed and Tom to be openminded for the thoughts of their fans on this forum. And again delivering a great piece of music.
Love is all,
Posted 16 May 2007 - 7:37 PM
I agree - they've become parents and grown up folks now, and prolly feel imp to tell people that all that junk wont finally do no good, real happiness is inside and all that shit. ;)
I totally agree The Test was a similiar message, and I love the album closer!
Another genius collab is Battle Scars - another one of those spinetingling songs on the album.
I had earlier decided I'd hear straight on cd, but the moment it was offered to me also on a silver platter, I couldn't refuse it, burnt it straight to disc, my girl actually made an exact replica of the handwritten disc on the index page - both my discs like exact copies of that, and I must say except for the all rights reserved (once the bass n drums kick in) the quality is very good - I can't really imagine what a real .wma would do - they've redefined production again!
SOmeone asked about breaky stuff - nope there's none as far as I can recollect - mostly beautiful songs, some brilliant dance floor anthems like DIA, Saturate, and of course the fucking GENIUS album opener - the title track is gonna blow everyone's nuts off.
For folks who haven't heard the album, I suggest stay away from this thread - hear it one shot whenever u decide to, and come back here, there'r gonna be too many spoilers, some of us have been going nuts trying to hold back the happiness and not discuss this epic of an album.
That apart, Salmon Dance is DA SHIT. Hats of to Phatlip for turning a brilliant funnkkkky tune into one epic humourous yet brilliantly metaphorical saga. The guy's a genius - the collab's worked out really well. So has the Willy Mason (?) collab on Battle Scars.
And the Klaxons on All Rights Reversed (Copyleft haha!) - Damn I can keep goin on the whole night - this is one beautiful album folks. Since this thread's finally cropped up, am sure it's gonna leak properly all over now.
Did Ed really ok discussing the album if we've heard it? I really hope so, the current txt reads something else. Blame Canada!
Posted 16 May 2007 - 7:37 PM
somebody asked wich track gonna kill live. without any doubt i say
WE ARE THE NIGHT (mama mia, mama mia !)
BURST GENERATOR (amazing euphoric track. totally awesome. perharps one of their greatest one)
But i complain tom & ed ! how make a good live with so huge tracks ???? don't forget that it began in afrika, sunshine underground, come with us, under the influence, believe, hoops, private psychedelic reel are fucking good !!! I can't wait to the 7th july... the zenith gonna float in space
Posted 16 May 2007 - 7:48 PM
And yeah folks - I suggest u hear the Salmon Dance at least and work on a choreography - it's gonna be some site! This song is fuckin funky and amazing, people are gonna be just fuckin pure happy, dancing, hugging, smiling, goin ape during this breather in the new set. It's gonna turn the set around. Keep the steps ready. Or rather don't, they come easy with the music, and the commentary! :)
Posted 16 May 2007 - 7:51 PM
And I keep posting, I should be sleeping long back, add Saturate to the songs which's gonna KILL live. I still can't believe the genius it is.
Also DIA's gonna be massive fun in the live sets - all the folks (including me to an extent) who doubted if this song's just average at best, or genius, are gonna be eating their words once they hear it on the album - it fits so beautifully, u'r gonna love it when it pops in after Saturate, carrying the album to the lovely Das Spiegel - the sunshine moment of the album.
Damn, is there no way the Chems could prepone the release? They could do it as a first time in history. Price the already pressed cds as special pre-release cds and sell at 50 dollars!! I'd gladly pay - I can't wait to hear the actual highest quality wmas. I'm not as disappointed by the mp3s i convered to .wmas, but damn, imagine what the real thing would do to me!
#56 makeskidskill
Posted 16 May 2007 - 7:54 PM
You know, I actually need to take that back. The Brothers have always let you know that there WILL BE CONSEQUENCES. Frankly, I don't see it in The Test, but there's almost always a come down track.
Just thinking now, the song title in full need to be 'The Pills Won't Help You Now (but a wee bit of charlie will have you right as rain in a jiffy)'
Posted 16 May 2007 - 7:56 PM
Well yeah. Basicly i got a rip of a promo.
Its the same thing but downloading sounds so wrong.
I understand why people wanna hold out tho.
I couldn't !! But i did feel guilty and i tried to save the day by deleting it and waitning to hear it again until the release date.
God we are all such nerds hahaha.
Were talking about this cd as if we are addicted to crack or something hahahaha.
Anyway. I will say no more about this amazing piece of art until the release date. I think at the release dat we should make a offcial WATN review topic!
Posted 16 May 2007 - 7:58 PM
Anyone remember - Never said it was sunshine, but u took it all the time? All at a time, all the time! ?
NOW - Let it show u how, IT FEEEEEEEELS TO BE TRUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE... SO ACID! Yet warning u of the consequences involved, and what all could happen - so the Chems have always been honest as fuck. Only thing now prolly they'r really outta the cheap drugs that do actually "poison u'r body", and want to tell their fans. What's the big deal? U may agree or u may fuck it, it's another sad beautiful tune, I'm having a ball.
(Now get fucked and feel true - feel the shit u are! :D )
Stash - u really been hearing this album on Charlie? I'd love to see what it does on sid, or even how it feels on weed, I've been SO tempted since I got it, but since I've gone clean now for a while, this album's kinda more epic to me, I've actually been hearing it completely clean since the first spin, and I love it as much as I've loved any of the previous albums on release. Honestly more. I'm addicted to the bloody cd like it was crack! The entire magic IS actually in the fuckin music. I know it sounds stupid coming from me of all folks, but I'm not gonna say anything more, I really mean it. I've never been happier in my life, as I've been since Saturday!
#60 makeskidskill
Posted 16 May 2007 - 8:02 PM
Swear to god JR, the night we found the link in our inbox, our neighbor called, told us he'd been awake for like 3 days, and didn't want to finish all this blow he'd bought.
Stayed up til 5am, listening to it over and over again.
Lemme tell ya, hearing them say 'You're probably poisoning your body...' WHILE I was fuckin poisoning my body at 4am, was a truly head fucking experience... I believe we looked at each other and nearly screamed 'HOW DO THEY KNOW?!??!? HOW?!??!?! WHY ARE THEY SO OMNISCIENT!?!??!!'
it was funny.