If by act of god someone with tickets is unavailable to get to trafalger. pls pls pls contact
me at jamesstephenwilson@hotmail.com and give to a fellow fan. Im having no luck with the becks lottery

TICKETS! TICKETS! TICKETS! (beg & plead here)
#24 whirly
Posted 12 July 2007 - 10:16 PM
Hi - for the Trafalgar gig, below is a thread that will link you to discussions on how to go about getting a ticket. I'm sorry, but I think Jonasti is correct. Nobody really knows how to to get a ticket but I'm sure there's some pointers in one of the threads.
#33 mondo74
Posted 13 August 2007 - 12:09 PM
hey peeps, ive got a spare ticket for trafalgar square if any girls out there are interested. i
m going down to london from sheffield on the train with some very cool friends(boys and girls) of mine and we are staying in a hotel sat and sun night. you can check me out at myspace.com/mondo74. if interested, my e-mail is d.woodmansey123@btinternet.com
#34 mondo74
Posted 13 August 2007 - 5:03 PM
people are e-mailing me asking to buy tickets from me. I HAVE ONLY ONE SPARE TICKET AND IM NOT SELLING IT, I
M GIVING IT AWAY. i`m asking if girls are interested because i think it would be a cool way to meet a girl. if you wanted to stay with us, cool, if not, thats ok
Posted 27 August 2007 - 10:54 PM
Gutted that I can't bloody go now. :(
One spare is probably going to a friend, the other can go to a forum regular.
Whirly, are all the regulars spoken for? I'd rather it went to one of them than a random. Thanks.
Taking your brain to another dimension!
#39 whirly
Posted 28 August 2007 - 2:28 AM
That sucks, Tyler!!! :( I'm sad you can't go. Got your mail.
I don't know if all the regulars have their hot little tickets yet. Hello hello forum regulars without tickets!!
I really hope either your schedule changes and you can go, or someone is willing to give your ticket a good home...