Posted 28 April 2010 - 9:32 PM
Had the same thoughts.
I pictured some sort of visual representation of a journey into the cosmos, shooting out into space from a first-person perspective, something akin to being propelled head first into the visuals from Burst Generator.
The visuals here are far too low-key to fit with the energy of Escape Velocity. Don't get me wrong--it's kind of fun. But... yeah... my reaction is like that of Whitenoise.
I am, however, also hoping, much like brother_ging, that there's context to these visuals which would make more sense when watching it as a whole.
On the other hand... if I were in charge of choosing a teaser, a portion of the visuals as a whole, to excite and delight anyone who came across it, to intrigue them to a point where it made them insatiably curious so as to venture further and experience the album as a whole in its visual representation, I would not have chosen that.