At the Future festival in Brisbane during Leave Home they played a visual that I have never seen before, and I can't find it again. Even footage I found of Future in Adelaide doesn't have it, has the helicopter. But in this clip I filmed from 2:30 onwards is some film of a tropical island from above through a fish eye lens. It spins around and changes, maybe showing different islands. You can't see it very good in the clip but is this something new or has it been seen before?

Island Visual
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Posted 21 March 2011 - 8:29 AM
Same visuals in Paris.
Posted 21 March 2011 - 9:22 PM
OK, the only reason I asked is cause it wasn't used at any of the side shows in Aus, if it was I missed it. Foxtrotoscar filmed Sydney and it had the helicopter visual, and I found one of Future in Adelaide and it also had the helicopter. It was pretty cool, I liked it.
Further Remixed There's nothing else...
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