In Colmar, Hold Tight was like in Dublin 2005, with the sweet trancy synth at the end. But my friend can't recall when it was played. Just that it was after a break, when they left the stage

The 2007 Chemical Gigs Countdown , Reviews , Etc!
Posted 13 August 2007 - 2:40 PM
Block Rockin Beats ! For real !
With Leave Home Terror Drums at the end, and a nice Octave Kitten noise :). Awesome visuals too
Posted 13 August 2007 - 7:16 PM
2 things, here is a video from that show, the evolver noises:
it's at a different tune which sounds like hold tight london.. second what's up with those vocal noises, they were in the germany show too?
Also, they play das i found.. no htl i found though
Posted 13 August 2007 - 7:37 PM
Yeah those Evolver sounds are always a bit different and might be a good sign of HTL being played before. I'd love to hear that tune live too. If only I could remember my first ever gig back in 2005 - i could swear they'd been playing that one.
#248 whirly
Posted 14 August 2007 - 5:32 AM
Csar, I just got through browsing at your pics. Nice!! You should upload some of your pics to flickr - then tag them so they appear on the live portion of this website. The live section is looking kind of lonely with comments only and no images to go along with them. ;)
Posted 14 August 2007 - 8:30 PM
This Flickr site is the most fucked up and dull site I've ever been to. It won't let me log in anymore. I had one sucsessful log-in, loaded up all the pics and the moment I logged off it fuckin' tells me my password to be incorrect. Bastards. And the uploaded pics with their tag "chemsaalburg07" don't appear in the "your stuff" box as they should. I'm bored and annoyed now...
Posted 14 August 2007 - 10:41 PM
Get the pics and vids on Facebook, then. Easy access and a great way to send messages to each other since we don't have PMs on this board.
Anyone else have Facebook? My e-mail for it is and my name is Tim Smith. If you want to add me, just send a message with your friend request saying who you are on the board.