who let the chems out ?
Posted 02 February 2003 - 5:22 PM
There were only a couple live sets from AG, and then just a few live tracks seperately.... I didn't find anything special
He put on a turn-down collar, a black bow, and wore his Sunday tail-coat. As such, he looked spruce, and what his clothes would not do, his instinct for making the most of his good looks would.
Posted 04 February 2003 - 2:25 PM
Robbie williams is a kool kid, but it dosen't mean he can't be stupid. I'm sure he would be singing a different tune if his contract got cut in half because of the loss of profits(extreme I know, but makes sense).
Money is not the key issue, it's respect for what other people produce, even if they are billion dollar industries it dosen't make it right. Billion dollar industries give work to millions of people, it's an economic machine, it needs fuel, our work and play is the fuel.
Money is not the key issue, it's respect for what other people produce, even if they are billion dollar industries it dosen't make it right. Billion dollar industries give work to millions of people, it's an economic machine, it needs fuel, our work and play is the fuel.
Posted 04 February 2003 - 10:52 PM
Heres how it goes:
Somebody says "hmm, you know, look at these sales!"
Somebody else "I see. Looks like The Chemical Brothers aren't doing to well among the masses."
Somebody says "If this continues, we'll be producing CD's for nothing soon and we'll have to discontinue their contract."
Somebody says "hmm, you know, look at these sales!"
Somebody else "I see. Looks like The Chemical Brothers aren't doing to well among the masses."
Somebody says "If this continues, we'll be producing CD's for nothing soon and we'll have to discontinue their contract."
He put on a turn-down collar, a black bow, and wore his Sunday tail-coat. As such, he looked spruce, and what his clothes would not do, his instinct for making the most of his good looks would.
Posted 05 February 2003 - 6:19 PM
I use to download one track or another over the time, but if I like these tracks, the audiophile in me says "go out, buy the single or even the whole album and make your ears happy".
Collecting music is nice:
You don't need too much space.
You don't need any mates around.
But if there are some, you can listen to music you both like.
You don't need to feed your CDs.
You pay once and can listen over and over again.
Your wishlist will never run out of entries.
Collecting music is nice:
You don't need too much space.
You don't need any mates around.
But if there are some, you can listen to music you both like.
You don't need to feed your CDs.
You pay once and can listen over and over again.
Your wishlist will never run out of entries.