Hot Acid Rhythm feat. Eve
Posted 14 June 2003 - 1:49 AM
Let me know if that post was stupid and unneccesary.
Posted 14 June 2003 - 3:24 AM
glako-fahn i am not trying to convince anyone that the chems are shit.
the chemical brothers have been the single most important musical inspiration to me over the last 8 years. i haven't spent silly money on there promo mix cd's or gone to see them play live or dj more times than you have had a hot meal simply cos there an average band. cos they are not!! they are truely inspirational to me and many people. without the brothers i wouldn't i probably wouldn't be into dance music today. they changed my musical life!!!
But let forever be doesn't do it for me. the point i was trying to make was when this track first appeared it divided opinons. and there are many people like me, who don't like it. have a look at alt.music.chemical-bros to see for yourself.
so why don't i like it??
the vocal. when noel recorded this vocal, he did it in 2 takes. not cos he done it perfect and there was no need to record any more takes. but because he had been to a football match the day previous. he had been very vocal chanting at the match which had left his throat feeling very horse. plus lets face it noel gallagher is not the greatest vocalist in the world!!
the lyrics. not the most inspiring lyrics in the world are they?? for someone who has penned some very good lyrics for arguable one of the biggest bands of modern time it seems to be a very poor effort on this record. also he was ment to record some guitar for this record, but feelinf rough from his football match he didn't bother.
it just seems to me that noel didn't seem that bothered when he recorded let forever be, and it shows
so why did it make it onto the album if it so poor??
Let pretend that the chemical brothers did not like let forever be, or rather think its upto their standard, would you take it of the album?? no. why?? the chems might have been a bit embaressed to say 'sorry noel it not quite up to your usual standard can you do again?' dont think so. and as virgin records one of your act has recorded a track with one of the music industrys biggest stars, would you let them take it off the album, no. its a major selling point having noel gallagher on that album. no matter how that track turned out it was gonna be on that album because for the simple fact it was noel gallagher on it, fact.
these are my opinion and i'm sticking to them, just as you will stick to yours. but at least i can justify why i dont like it, rather than just saying it shit!! dont think im bashing the brothers cos i dont like one tune. if you read my other post on this forum you will see my love for this bands music.
Posted 14 June 2003 - 3:33 AM
chemicalreaction Escribi�:
I think the song is great. It reminds me of old times. Sneaker stop posting such negative stuff around here or else you too would be put on our most wanted terrorist :
so are we ment to be 'yes' people round here?? i'm posting from the heart. can't shot a man for that!!
Posted 14 June 2003 - 8:12 AM
sneakerbeater Escribi�:
so are we ment to be 'yes' people round here?? i'm posting from the heart. can't shot a man for that!!
No "yes" people. I see your opinion and respect it, but I got my own opinion about LFB and SS as well. And I still thing SS is just a fast, overdriven track that loses his excitement sooner or later (if it had any in the first place).
Posted 14 June 2003 - 10:01 AM
When Surrender came out there were two kinds of people. People who thought that Surrender was brilliant, and those who thought it was a piece of crap with one or two good tracks (I have yet to encounter anyone, for instance, who dislikes HBHG).
Let Forever Be maybe does not have the most inspired vocal part in the world... but I still love it anyway. Its the yin to Setting Sun's yang... one is an angry, acid house influenced piece of proto industrial (shades of Nitzer Ebb and MBM!), the other is a sunny, kind of chirpy wannabe anthem. They are as different as night and day, and considering the fact that they both were inspired directly by Revolver-era Beatles and have the same vocalist, that says a lot about how versatile the Chems are musically.
Despite the fact that I like the song it isn't by any means my favorite. The one thing LFB convinced me was that the Chems needed to move away from using guest vocalists so heavily. After you use Bernard Sumner and Hope Sandoval on the same album, where do you go? Surrender had about one guest vox too many... and I was gladdened by the fact that there were only two guest voxes on CWU, even though the album as a whole was weaker than usual. I realize they will probably always rely on vocalists (perhaps its a concession to the pop charts? I dunno), but hey, if they're going to use someone's voice it might as well be Wayne of the Flaming Lips.
Perhaps one day they will actually get to work with Chuck D and Bob Dylan... those would be worth hearing.
Posted 14 June 2003 - 6:09 PM
Posted 14 June 2003 - 8:12 PM
Sneakerbeater, you better believe it.
Posted 14 June 2003 - 8:32 PM
i'm gonna stop on this cos it could go on for every!!! i stick to everything i have said on this thread, after all its just my opinion. i be very intrested in othere people good/bad/average.
Posted 14 June 2003 - 8:56 PM
sneakerbeater Escribi�:
chemicalreaction Escribi�:
LFB is the only song on the album which is somewhat close to DYOH's era.
Thats the funniest thing i have read on this forum for ages, your joking with me right??? you don't honestly believe that???
Was that funny or what???
I am serious it does remindes me of those good ol days
Posted 15 June 2003 - 8:48 AM
everything you said about LFB makes perfect sense. i wholeheartedly agree with it.
SS is about 5 times better than LFB.
i got a crazy theory about SS, so listen up.
you know that part in the middle of the song, after the lyrics "you're coming on strong....like a setting sun...." and then it goes into some twisted wavy shit, like their synth blew up or something. i think this part is the audio equivalent of a setting sun.
first it comes down, and then it sorta cools off and then it sorta goes out completely. thats exactly what a setting sun looks like. i've watched them. they go down and they mix into the horizon. its as if the sun is melting, and it changes the colours of the sky from orange to purple to blue.
think about this visual when that part of the song comes out. you'll be blown away.
Posted 15 June 2003 - 11:26 PM
you know that part in the middle of the song, after the lyrics "you're coming on strong....like a setting sun...." and then it goes into some twisted wavy shit, like their synth blew up or something. i think this part is the audio equivalent of a setting sun.
first it comes down, and then it sorta cools off and then it sorta goes out completely. thats exactly what a setting sun looks like. i've watched them. they go down and they mix into the horizon. its as if the sun is melting, and it changes the colours of the sky from orange to purple to blue.
Yeah. I never noticed it though!
chemical posted:
This is a very interesting topic. I think LFB is EQUALLY as good as SS. LFB is the only song on the album which is somewhat close to DYOH's era. Someone earlier mentioned that LFB sours Surrender..huh..no way,man!. I admit that LFb hasn't got the most awesome vocals but the lyrics are still good. this reminds me of old skool rock songs...for some strange ass reason. and what is this shit about "the chems might have been a bit embaressed to say 'sorry noel it not quite up to your usual standard can you do again?".LOL if they didn't like the track they wouldn't have put it on the cd. Take Hot Acid Rythm 1 for example.(I might be wrong) , Here come the drums. these tracks still need some work and if chems thought that LFB needed some additional work too they would have worked on it and released it later(maybe on CWU).
I completely agree with chemical. Ed said on the interview 99 cd that "we don't just say 'oh that'll do' we always work on the track until we're completely happy with it." Something like that anyways.