mikl's Profile
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In Topic: Message From Ed
Posted 19 Apr 2015
OK this thread made me come back and bother to write a new post. It does mean a lot to us too obviously that Ed had the time to send us that concern and message and thanks to you guys for reaching out to him via Twitter. (I still haven't given in to a Twitter account but has been hard with this being one of the 'benefits' of signing your life away to another social media platform)Don't if its worked but I've attached the rejected artwork from that 7inch sleeve artwork call out. I didnt attach a link to my site or whatever cause I don't have one at the moment which might be one of the reasons why it didn't get through. Unfortunately you could only explain your idea in a few words too otherwise would be rejected understandably probably due to high number of submissions. I hope the 100 chosen did Let Forever Be justice.Maybe the style of it might relate too much still to what previous chems artwork such as the eyes I drew which I've been obsessed with unintentionally in some of my work too. Also because I mentioned the Beatles maybe they didn't want a lawsuit on their hands. That or the artworks basically boring and did nothing for them.
"The Chemical Brothers have said that Tomorrow Never Knows by The Beatles has been like a mantra and inspiration for them and key songs like Let Forever Be reflect this. I communicated this visually by partly reinterpreting the Revolver artwork. I’ve incorporated a morphing silhouette of the audio recording reel that The Beatles originally used during the experimental looping processes they did whilst creating Tomorrow Never Knows. This is also the nature of The Chemical Brothers style of music too. This forms a ? hinting at the connection of both music titles from both Bands."What I sent through to meet the restricted count:"Tomorrow Never Knows by The Beatles has been a mantra for the group. Key songs like Let Forever Be reflect this and I’ve done it visually." -
In Topic: New Comprehensive List
Posted 8 Dec 2014
In Topic: New Comprehensive List
Posted 7 Dec 2014
this is a bit older but rocking my world. might not be a chems track but uses an old skool hiphop sample I think:
In Topic: New Chems Live Show At Sonar
Posted 3 Dec 2014
and possibly means they'll be here this time next year during our summertime hopefully doing they're own shows again. Without Ed or not I will go of course. -
In Topic: News From Ed
Posted 19 Nov 2014
After trying to process it and even at times purposely not listening to the chems because of this, I guess its like as if another key member of your another fave band worked on solo with another band etc. for a bit and still came back to the band that started it which isn't a bad way at looking at it but its not even that bad in comparison. it still will be odd seeing tom by himself though. Im honestly going to feel sorry for him all up there by himself on that big teched up stage. No one to hug after a special moment during one of the songs that we see them do live. I love that.
My Information
- Member Title:
- Brother
- Age:
- 33 years old
- Birthday:
- January 5, 1982
- Gender:
- Location:
- Melbourne, Australia
- Interests:
- Other than the Chems?.....Anything creative.
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