The Worst Thing Ever?
Posted 31 January 2011 - 8:56 PM
I think it is well done, but I have to agree with WN, it is sooo wrong. Don't do it Brother Ging.
Further Remixed There's nothing else...
#66 Champiness
Posted 06 February 2011 - 4:13 AM
...Not even my love of Don't Think can save that one. God, I hate mashups with the Technologic acapella. It's like every person who ever sat down in front of a music editing software says to themselves, "Hmm... where do I start? Oh, I know, I'll take this acapella of my favorite Daft Punk song and put it over the instrumental of my favorite [insert band here] song! It's like peanut butter and [fighting the strong urge to swear at this point] jelly!".
Posted 06 February 2011 - 6:22 AM
WhiteNoise, on 30 January 2011 - 03:48 PM, said:
This is so wrong. I can't stop laughing.
You know, this one is actually pretty good. I'm going to get an mp3 of it -- it is that good.
<img src="http://steamsigs.com/steam.php?id=8fprofunk&pngimg=dropshadow&tborder=0.jpg" />
Posted 27 March 2011 - 12:25 PM
WhiteNoise, on 27 March 2011 - 1:19 PM, said:
Midnight Madness and screaming, there's a match made in heaven.

that sucks so much!
check out dumbledore's in space by ribbons and bows. weird shit.
love is all.
Posted 29 March 2011 - 2:09 AM
The Chemical Brothers/Clash mashup wasn't quite bad. I mean, you could listen to it without your ears bleeding, and they seemed to put at least some effort into it. The djing part? you could dj it if your willing to roll the dice on it.
The Technologic/Don't Think Mashup was OH MY GOD! But it was still funny to listen to, nonetheless.
And, the Slipknot/Midnight Madness Mashup was absolutely horrific. The tempo wasn't even aligned with each other, they just threw the song in however they felt like it and called it a Screamo/Techno perfection!
The Technologic/Don't Think Mashup was OH MY GOD! But it was still funny to listen to, nonetheless.
And, the Slipknot/Midnight Madness Mashup was absolutely horrific. The tempo wasn't even aligned with each other, they just threw the song in however they felt like it and called it a Screamo/Techno perfection!

Posted 17 May 2011 - 9:07 AM
<img src="http://steamsigs.com/steam.php?id=8fprofunk&pngimg=dropshadow&tborder=0.jpg" />