whirlygirl Escribi�:
He has other people doing the thinkie stuff for him. Look no further than the documentary Bush's Brain which is about Karl Rove. It's eye opening.
Personally I find Bush to be hawkish and shrewd - he may have been a failed businessman but he is a businessman nontheless and it's obviously worked out to be lucrative for him. Whether that makes him not stupid is up to how one perceives the end results. He has one thing going for him and that is he's cunning to the core.
I was reading the book that doc Bush's Brain was based on (same title), for that reason I love to see bad news hit Karl Rove, him and Dick Cheney are the most evil looking people I've ever seen. I've wrote 20-page papers on just how evil these people are.
Bush, smart or not, may or may not have, done something really smart. While everyone he works around is unmodestly evil, fat, and bald. He has come off as common folk, MORE SO THAN ACTUAL PRESIDENTS (Carter) WHO WEREN'T RAISED AS SPOILED AS ARABIAN PRINCES! I think he comes off the same as G.Ford, in that sort of dope who never was good at speaking or walking/biking/eatting small snack foods. Regardless that personality has made him, for some, one of the loveable presidents. I think the people, mostly southerns like him so much I have literally seen framed pictures of him in their house. This is the first president for many that people feel an emotional connection with and begin to treat him like their religion: unquestionably right and anyone who questions that is wicked/evil. That's why everything is "we support troops", and you're with us or against us, all in black and white.
On a last note (I deleted most my angry rant because I am becoming what I hate), I am moving to Santa Cruz tomorrow for school. Temporarly for this year I will be living on campus. Unfortunatly University of California Santa Cruz (the most anti-bush UC since Berkeley is another Yale) has been put on the Bush Administrations' "Credible Threat" list which means they might be going through my internet history and seeing what posts I list... But on a light note, they're selling my size