Great Success!

General Bullshit Chat
Posted 12 June 2007 - 7:40 PM
I've been working on my final last fookin paper for my state theory class and have had less than 4 hours of sleep the last few nights, which is actually good compared to previous final weeks! Hopefully I can turn this in during the early afternoon and have time to surf and get some sun light, since it's a nice day here too.
Posted 12 June 2007 - 8:52 PM
I'm out after i finish this damn paper today. guess being on the forum isn't speeding the process up... I'm definitly down for mexican food, jamacia beer, and california grass. Hoping the US dates will come soon so that maybe I can plan a trip down in Aug or Sept.
Posted 14 June 2007 - 8:37 PM
I had a strange day.
My mum texted me that she was going to pick me up from work / she was in the hospital for a check up after she had cancer twice and the hospital is near my work. So i called her and she didnt sound well.
Basicly she had to go for an MRI scan wich is quit scary if you are claustrofobic....also the hospital brought back memories of when she used to go there for threatment.
So i took her for a great dinner and drinks - she was really emotional , like all the shit that happened to her came out in one evening - but it was great though.
We bougtht some things to pamper ourselves ( i bought a new chanel eye shadow and a lancome lipstick....i suck....) and now i am tipsy from all the gin tonics.
Intresting to say the least.
#5532 whirly
Posted 14 June 2007 - 10:38 PM
I'm sorry to hear about all your mom has gone through Jeanie. It's good you both went out for a nice meal, some drinks and a little girlie shopping so you can have some bonding time. From what you've said about your mom, she sounds like a cool lady! I mean, she went with you to Prodigy and she's coming along for the Chems. That's one step beyond house, really. 8)
Posted 15 June 2007 - 1:15 AM
I hope your mum will be ok Jeanie !
I'm back from Daft Punk, even though their live was an udate from the 2006 tour, it was super fucking awesome ! Some songs have have new arrangements, are longer and better, they introduced 2 mn of Burnin', which is one of my favourite tracks, and the new encore, with Stardust's Music sounds better with you and "Together"... OMFG that was something huge :o
They came back with suit and helmets with red lines on em, that gives em a Ton look, It's SO uber sexy ! Look at that (this is a genuine pic, not a photoshop montage ) :
Posted 15 June 2007 - 10:04 PM
This is weird.
My mum is really not doing well.
She went trough a lot in the past years ( Fighting cancer , lost her mum , etc ) and it seems like now she's breaking down..
She took calming pills.
I just went to check up on her and she could hardly speak but she can not fall asleep.
Its weird when u talk to youre mum how she used to talk to you when you weren't feeling well.
Shes a VERY strong woman....but we all break down sometimes.
So Mips , Whirls and Stash , this is why u had me on youre voicemail ;-)
Love to you all!