Hey if you go into your profile you can see a list of recent threads. please bump up the big ones like now playing etc.

General Bullshit Chat
Posted 05 May 2007 - 9:34 PM
im now in san francisco....i cant believe im still alive... ill type all my silly details when i get back home next week
Posted 07 May 2007 - 8:04 PM
I'm such a wreck ladies and gentlemen. I miss ma petite ami :(*Sniff Sniff*
I haven't been on in a couple of days possibly a week, her absence is noticed, I seen her on Saturday and now I'm a wreck again. *Sigh*
Emotion is inevitable, although slipping into depression is not. - FUCKKKKK I sound so EMO it isn't even funny. Naw but I was trying to say is, whenever I listen to Star Guitar, its like getting a big hug.
Anyway thats my occasional emotional rant over.
But on a more happy note - I went and seen Adam Beyer and DJ Yoda over the weekend. It was mega fun times. I went to my first shine - which is like a monthly event where some of the biggest dj's come to play. Its probably the biggest club event in Northern Ireland and I didnt even get hit for I.D - AMAZIN. Adam Beyer isnt really that good of a headliner supposedly, but I really liked it. I enjoyed the atmosphere and the experience, druggies tryin to flog on drugs etc.. Having room to dance. Different Djs playing different rooms etc. I really like it. DJ Yoda was really good too.
Going to see CSS and Boys Noize this thursday- should be a good one.