The lighting warnings are cool, I might sample them

Woodstock In Full
Posted 05 April 2014 - 1:11 AM
I saw them for the first time doing that set when in OZ for the first time. But it was different in parts which was great to see. They never played Flashback live when I saw them before TPPR instead they performed Leave Home mixed with Terror Drums. And the It Doesn't Matter went for a lot longer in that set which was cool. In this one they built up to the rolling/arpeggio snare drums. Worthy of bigger sound system playback.
Come out from the cold and into the setting sun. It's where it all began for me (not in Afrika), like it was out of control. Then after that life was sweet. So dream on into the pioneer skies of the fourteenth century and rise from the sunshine underground.
Posted 06 April 2014 - 12:12 PM
great find!
that security guard down the front orchestrating the hand waving, haha nice.
all those boobs! never seen that in the uk for the chems! you usually have to be watching some dirgey indie like reef at a festie for the boobies to come out.
tom n ed look so young, its nuts to think that was 15 years ago!
that security guard down the front orchestrating the hand waving, haha nice.
all those boobs! never seen that in the uk for the chems! you usually have to be watching some dirgey indie like reef at a festie for the boobies to come out.
tom n ed look so young, its nuts to think that was 15 years ago!
Posted 06 April 2014 - 4:54 PM