General Bullshit Chat
Posted 18 March 2006 - 4:01 AM
ha, thanks jeanie
it will deffinately be an adventure thats for sure :)
it will deffinately be an adventure thats for sure :)
Posted 18 March 2006 - 7:20 PM
Jeanie Escribi�:
I decided i wanna be a Tornado chaser to discover the mysteries of tornado's and help warn people in time so they can be prepared.
Last weekend there was a great show on tv, I think it might've been the Discovery channel or maybe the National Geographic channel - can't remember which - but it was all about storm chasers. There's a group of storm chasers that have travel packages for tourists who want to go chase down tornados with them. Funny watching them scramble when hail the size of baseballs started pummelling down! Like tornados, it totally sucked me in! I thought of you, Jeanie, and how much you dig the weather.
I could see you as a weather reporter for CNN or something!
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 18 March 2006 - 9:08 PM
Jeanie on CNN - Hi peeps this is yet another edition of Tornadoes gone wild!!! Today we will go into the amazing and bewildering world of yup you guessed it TORNADOS. join me and my model friends as we chase them from Amsterdam to New York in nothing be 2piece bikini .... will go ape together.
ME - 8O
ME - 8O
Posted 18 March 2006 - 9:15 PM
chemicalreaction Escribi�:
Jeanie on CNN - Hi peeps this is yet another edition of Tornadoes gone wild!!! Today we will go into the amazing and bewildering world of yup you guessed it TORNADOS. join me and my model friends as we chase them from Amsterdam to New York in nothing be 2piece bikini .... will go ape together.
ME - 8O
Someone's been fantasizing a bit...
Posted 18 March 2006 - 9:56 PM
chemicalreaction Escribi�:
Jeanie on CNN - Hi peeps this is yet another edition of Tornadoes gone wild!!! Today we will go into the amazing and bewildering world of yup you guessed it TORNADOS. join me and my model friends as we chase them from Amsterdam to New York in nothing be 2piece bikini .... will go ape together.
ME - 8O
I should be very insulted now for laughing at my " jeanie the wheater woman dreams" but this was to funny :P
Forgive me for posting about my tornado chasers obsession i am fucking bored and it's Tornado week on the weather channel so every evening i see sickass programs !!
Posted 19 March 2006 - 5:29 PM
Was watching The Constant Gardener last night (good movie, but VERY slow moving) and was rather surprised to see a famous Winnipeg landmark show up.
The headquarters of the evil pharmaceutics company was played by the Royal Canadian Mint, one of Winnipeg's most distinct buildings. It was only a 2 second shot, but it's rare enough to see recognizable Winnipeg sights in any decent movie. (The suburban mall shots from B-movies about mall heists where the hero is played by Patrick Swayze do not count, nor do the c-rate horror movies that are filmed at my university.)

The headquarters of the evil pharmaceutics company was played by the Royal Canadian Mint, one of Winnipeg's most distinct buildings. It was only a 2 second shot, but it's rare enough to see recognizable Winnipeg sights in any decent movie. (The suburban mall shots from B-movies about mall heists where the hero is played by Patrick Swayze do not count, nor do the c-rate horror movies that are filmed at my university.)

Posted 20 March 2006 - 7:34 AM
I have a presentation on Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (or the ever-catchy GERD, for short) first thing in the morning that I feel drastically underprepared for. Thankfully I think my group-mates are up to the task. Hopefully I can just do my part and slink back into the background.
Then it's time to go skating, get my dad a (belated) b-day gift, go for a hepatitis vaccination, and enjoy my evening. So nice that my schedule is beginning to lighten up. The calm before the storm, mind, but still.....
Then it's time to go skating, get my dad a (belated) b-day gift, go for a hepatitis vaccination, and enjoy my evening. So nice that my schedule is beginning to lighten up. The calm before the storm, mind, but still.....
Posted 20 March 2006 - 1:55 PM
Ah , Vaccinations....goood luck! usually they dont hurt though and it's not scary. But 2 years ago i got all the vaccinations you can possibly get cause i am travelling so much. So this one vaccination ( it wasn't hepatitus it was someting else ) had a needle so fucking big. So i was like " Ah well it will be fine :D " cause i dont really mind. She sticks the needle in my arm......Fuck-ing Hell. I thought i was dying. I kept cool , and when we walked out my mum was like " That one hurted didn't it " X-D I couldn't use my arm for days !!!
Speaking of my mum. Guess who is coming to visit me for a week in NY today !? Guuess who is flying this far for the first time with the biggest fear of flying ever ? Guess who is leaving Europe for the first time....? MY MUM!!!!!! :D:D:D I'M SO FUCKING HAPPY!!!
See , i have two lives. I have my live at homa in Amsterdam and my life "on the road" .... The people at homa cann't imagine how my life here is. It's so awesome that my mum can finally see my "other life" ....It sounds strange but i am quite proud of how independent i am comparing to other people my age and i want to show her hahahahaa X-D I will take her walking over the Brooklyn Bridge tonight where you see the sickest skyline of Manhattan :D
I'm so happy last week passed. It was a fucked up week. Now i am happy again :D
Speaking of my mum. Guess who is coming to visit me for a week in NY today !? Guuess who is flying this far for the first time with the biggest fear of flying ever ? Guess who is leaving Europe for the first time....? MY MUM!!!!!! :D:D:D I'M SO FUCKING HAPPY!!!
See , i have two lives. I have my live at homa in Amsterdam and my life "on the road" .... The people at homa cann't imagine how my life here is. It's so awesome that my mum can finally see my "other life" ....It sounds strange but i am quite proud of how independent i am comparing to other people my age and i want to show her hahahahaa X-D I will take her walking over the Brooklyn Bridge tonight where you see the sickest skyline of Manhattan :D
I'm so happy last week passed. It was a fucked up week. Now i am happy again :D