So I was at work today and my friend Eddie tells me he saw some live footage of the chems at Coachella. Although he wasn't sure which song it was (he only has WATN, which I have him when I got a second copy of the album from getting the signed edition), so after a while of Q & A we figured out it was Come Inside. So yeah, if you have Comcast, as I no longer do, there is apparently footage of Come Inside at Coachella in the On Demand stuff.

FAO: US fans with cable
Posted 29 March 2008 - 3:31 AM
Posted 29 March 2008 - 4:53 AM
are you sure it just wasnt Come With Us like on the Coachella DVD? Cause I heard from the Coachella forum that they are just running the Coachella DVD on Comcast on, On Demand.
Posted 29 March 2008 - 7:09 AM
hmm....well this makes me wish I had comcast and or knew someone with it.
#8 whirly
Posted 01 April 2008 - 10:54 PM
We have Cox Communications... I wonder if this goodness is available on my service - will have to check listings later this evening.
I did see some video cameras and people filming at the 2005 Chems set at Coachella, but figured it was more for an impending documentary. The 2005 footage of the Chems never did make it to the doc, but the Come With Us footage did. Now that I know this is footage from the show I went to in 2005 is floating around OnDemand, I'm excited to see this!