Mips, i heard of Miloco which's seeking for freshly succeeded talents :lol:! Would love to hear more from your forthcomming funk project. Sounds pretty ace imo! Keep it comming, mate!

General Bullshit Chat
#5603 segwist
Posted 28 June 2007 - 5:37 AM
Urgh forum whoring when i should be working. Last week of a deadline and the late nights programming are killing me, plus a bunch of gigs lately means the studio gets pulled apart each time and we do new intro's, revamp tracks for each gig, fix the broken gear, etc etc. Its Australia's attempt at winter, well its Queensland Australia's attempt at winter (even milder) but having a cold the day before a busy gig is never fun. Sniff.
So im whoring on CB forums. Lol. Hello :) :)
#5608 The_Chemical_Sister
Posted 28 June 2007 - 4:03 PM
I don't wanna make another thread for it.
I'll write it here, hopenin' somebody will see this.
So here we go:
first, I win the tix on Becks Fusions
second, I answer the question
third, I have to fill the module with adress etc etc
But if I can't do it right at the moment? Will I be able to fill it later? Does anybody know?
Posted 30 June 2007 - 2:30 PM
Just back from Hexstatic ! A bit disapointed because :
- the venue was nearly empty, I thought more people would have come
- the audience wasn't excited enough
- I wasn't drunk enough to fully appreciate a trippy show like that
- It wasn't as good as the 2 first time I saw them
Still I had a good time ! They always have mind blowing mash ups, and the songs of the new album rock ! I just love them !
Oh and there was a mash up called "Youtube allstars" with Lasse Gjertsen's Hypercative, turned into a drum'n'bass track, and the guy who says "Beefy ! Beefy !" and the other one that speaks so fast you can't understand a word of what he says. It was fun
#5611 segwist
Posted 30 June 2007 - 4:14 PM
First time i saw Hexstatic they were incredible... big club, stereo projections on dual screen setup, stereo PA, great lineup with them before Amon Tobin. Just a great show with all the "Sound of music" and "wired for sound" set routines. The midi drum trigger "tanks in iraq" routine was great too, and inspired me and our bands VJ to get into midi audio and video triggering in a big way.
Then they came back a few years later (last year?) and it was more a DVD-J mashup set. Instead of more awesome artistic stuff, they played "Jump around" by House Of Pain. Erm? Happy to have seen them at their best though :)
Posted 01 July 2007 - 11:00 AM
No offense Ben , but since when do u have to be drunk to appreciate a trippy show ? Trippy shows are always welcome , no matter what state i'm in!
Anyway boys and girls.
We raved hard. As in ; weve been dancing 8 hours in a muddy field with 18.000 people and 36.000 huge pupils and the , THE BEST, lightshow you'll ever see, fireworks , good beats, good beans, yeah, we raved like rave soldiers muhahaha.
Whirly and Stash , you have a very messy voicemail.
Now i'm off to buy some 5-Htp.
Posted 01 July 2007 - 4:57 PM
Tangent.... but I remember someone asking about Chemical Reaction and wanting to buy it. so here's a link.
Dunno when it was or who it was. Just passing it along.
- @KngtRdr / @9GRecords / Got Glint?
#5620 Chops
Posted 04 July 2007 - 6:50 PM
I have a question for you all:
How do you prefer to hear your music, I mean if you had to pick one method would it be:
Blasting out of massive stadium speakers
On a nice set of quality stereo speakers
Or Headphones and if it is headphones then is it in ear or out of ear?
I know this is a bit of a crap question but I thought after glasto the new album wouldnt sound as good but I cranked up my headphones on my mp3 and its even better, loads more going on. Whaddya reckon?