Has it been released at all? If not, will it be?

That Out of Control/Don't Fight It, Feel It mix
#4 whirly
Posted 27 February 2008 - 5:08 AM
#5 whirly
Posted 27 February 2008 - 5:16 AM
Still not sure if it's cool or not to post direct links ermmm... but if you go to google and type in: headphone sex + bleeding edge + don't fight control
That will steer you in the right direction. ;)
Edit* Nevermind. I phail at life and will turn the ;) into a :( instead. The Don't Fight Control link that was on that headphone sex dealie-oh is no longer valid.
Posted 27 February 2008 - 10:27 AM
hmm, yeah this was probably like a mini-ebw, where a small limited number of select djs were pressed copies and one of these privileged fellows posted it on their website....
you could always try playing the original don't fight it, feel it and the slightly faster out of control. I'm sure the two will sync in tempo.
Posted 28 February 2008 - 12:36 AM
Yeah whirly, I tried that linky and it was dead, like you say in your edit. Ho hum, maybe an official one will happen one day.
Phil & Dog's Dr Pressure got turned into the official Mylo/Gloria one after all.
Taking your brain to another dimension!
Posted 12 March 2008 - 8:28 AM
We're you all not paying attention before in some other thread? Sheesh. ;)
Dunno where the leak came from though...
- @KngtRdr / @9GRecords / Got Glint?