Whats going on with the mani webiste, some sort of interactive synthesiser. Its say Ideas Generator... but i can't get it to do much?
work in progress?
Posted 31 July 2009 - 1:44 AM
for the record of those who are guessing. "Chemical Ideas Generator" is a spoof on name that Modules in Modular Synthesizers are given (mind you a modular synthesizer is a bunch of modules put together to make one big one).
They have names like "Random Noise Generator" and so the title is probably a spoof on that, like there's a module out there that them chems plug in to get their ideas, laughable, haha, lol, rofl, bwahaha, etc. You'll notice that next to it is "Voltage..." which could be a billion things in the modular world. Could be "Voltage Controlled Jerk Chicken..."