Krisper, on 21 July 2011 - 6:07 AM, said:
Hi Dale/Most.Fungi, welcome. I think that show in Taiwan will be one amazing experience. Being your first Chemical experience, I am sure you will be blown away!
P.S. Love the dream dog avatar

Thanks for the message, Krisper!
Also, thanks for chronicling your 2011 journey! I was hoping to get a little feel for their shows - they are set to go on early here in Taiwan, and most electronic events I've been to hear have advertised such, but the main act doesn't get on until 1 or even later. Think it seems like they bring a more tightly constructed show that doesn't have to last too long. I will also try to move up front and get a look at them in action.
I do want to be surprised by as much of the show as possible though, so tried to skip through most of your pictures! I will go back and take a look more carefully afterwards. Thanks for documenting - with such an array I feel less a need to pull out my own phone and can just focus on the show!