The wicked drums in "Elektrobank".
best sound?
Posted 02 January 2004 - 3:30 PM
I second the tinkly lead sound from lost in the k-hole one of my fav chem tunes also i like the drums on the everything must go remix on earphones they sound like they are getting sucked away from your ears ! I also like the hi-hat sound at the beginning of elektrobank sounds like they opened a gater in time with it which makes it sound like its slipping..... very cool :) Theres so many more but i'll leave it there.
Posted 02 January 2004 - 10:36 PM
GLAKO-FAHN Escribi�:
y'know, Got Glint? has a magical way of letting people forget about it, eh? You want best sounds, you want glint.
it tell you what i like about got glint. on the live version it breaks down and that guitar rift come crashing in outta nowhere. and then gets filtered to fuck till it has a more synth sound. i recon that sample of the guitar was something that could not get cleared for the album, but it still on the album version inocently disguised as this synth line
I'm a fuckin doughnut