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Message From Ed
Posted 18 Apr 2015
Hi Everyone!
Ed is locked out of his account (crazy, right?) but wanted to pass along this message to you all:
Dear Forumites,
I just wanted to drop by with a message. We both really understand your frustration and sadness around the end of this version of the forum. A new album is upcoming and we have decided to create a new website for this grand occasion. Tom And I were not really aware that a forum in its current form was unsustainable for various reasons...hence the slightly confused reaction on Twitter.
We both really appreciate the lively discourse here about all things Chemical. I've been particularly moved by the friendships, meetings and night outs that have been inspired by this space. Our music is about bringing people together so this has been wonderful to see.
We will miss this space just like you and it is a shame with new material and shows arriving sooner than later that we wont be able to check in and see what you all make of it. I know that our web designer and technical gurus are working with some of you to ensure that there is a space for you to continue your dialogue.
Warm Regards to all of you and thank you for such passion, it means so much to us..I think you will love the new music...
Ed Chemical x -
All Good Things Must Come To An End
Posted 16 Apr 2015
Hi Everyone,
Long time, no post. Well, I did chime in the other day but that's beside the point.
There are indeed plans to update the site in anticipation of the upcoming album. Most likely the site will go down for a bit (there will probably be a 'coming soon' type landing page) while the new site is being developed.
However it should be known that the forum is not a part of those plans. This type of platform is antiquated, cumbersome, the farthest thing from mobile friendly, and as long as we're being real here - the decision to call for its end has has been a long time coming. And soon - I'm not exactly sure when - our little corner of the universe will unceremoniously cease to exist.
So what to do?
Some of us have our little group on Facebook, and there's another larger group on there as well. But as those groups tend to be exclusionary (and not everyone particularly enjoys Facebook) that's not the way forward in carrying on our discussions and love of all things Chemical, and Chemical related things (or loosely related things, like bullshit chat)
The most viable option at this point to carry on our discussion would be reddit. There is already a sub-reddit for the Chemical Brothers r/chemicalbrothers - though I don't know if there will be an "official" one made. Will keep you posted.
The nice thing about reddit is we can be ourselves, yet still maintain the anonymity we have here with our usernames n'all. We can participate without having to post, we can upvote, downvote.
Anyway brothers and sisters, please feel free to cry, vent, share ideas, have group hugs, etc, etc.
Love is all, til the end of ends. -
It's Tom's Birthday!
Posted 11 Jan 2015
Happy Birthday, Tom - wishing you the best today, every day, and always! -
Account Access
Posted 7 Jan 2015
Hey everyone. Some of you (who may be lurking) have reached out for help with account access - password and login page not working, captchka resetting etc. My guess is the forum is glitchy which, well, isn't surprising. ;) As for admin power I'm limited and not sure how to solve the issues with account access. I apologize for that. I will research a bit more and see if there's anything I can do but fear unintentionally banning or deleting accounts and posts right along with it. Last resort, I will try reaching out to other sources to see if the login issues can be resolved.
Hopefully with a new album underway means a fresh new 'do for the website and the way we communicate with each other. -
Falling In Love All Over Again...
Posted 23 May 2014
It's been a long time since I've gone off on a tangent in a whirly-sized mess of words. And this is the longest wait we've had between albums and I can safely say, judging by our activity here, we've pretty much begrudgingly moved past the excruciating stage to one of acceptance.
I haven't totally shelved the Chemical Brothers, but I admit to having given them of a rest over the past few months. This isn't to say I have forsaken them, or abandoned them during this drought-like hour. I'm not at some melodramatic musical cross-roads where I'm questioning my loyalty to the Chems, nor am I questioning my taste in music (I'm too old to give a shit about stuff like that anymore, anyway). I'm not burnt out necessarily, and I'm not using this dry spell as some pretentious, detoxing quest to lose myself in deep retrospective thought as it relates to music. I can't even say I'm biding my time until the next album, because I've resigned myself to waiting patiently for the next Chemical Brothers tune to rear its lovely head.
You know, life just keeps on keepin on. And some of the things that used to consume my days are still there, but are more or less lurking in the shadows and sometimes catching me by surprise. As far as music is concerned, I've become more and more fond of shuffling my tunes - regardless of my purist heart telling me that to properly ingest an album, I must listen to it whole and uninterrupted and in order. When I'm on the job, my music slips into the background. When I'm dropping off my kid at school and sitting in traffic wondering if I'm going to be late for work, the songs generally remain the same. When I'm picking my son up from school and he's relaying his day to me, the music (that is always there regardless) subtly shifts from one song to the next. And half the time, between fixating on the road home and mother/son conversation, that subtle shift in song slips past and I'm generally none the wiser. Sometimes I notice that shuffle plays the same rotation of tunes, making it not so random. So I just press > to see what's next. But most of the time, I let my songs play themselves out. My former self might have risen and eyebrow or shaken a finger at me, calling me musically apathetic or whatever.
I'm OK with this arrangement. Because every so often, a song emerges from that endless deep, that seldom heard void within the random black-hole like shuffleness that is my phone. And when a song does that, all time and space melts away and the only thing that matters is the song that commands your full, undivided attention.
And when that happens, it's a marvelous thing. It happened to me the day before yesterday, after I dropped my son off at school and I was heading home to work. I don't expect my experience to be extraordinary to anyone else, but it was pretty remarkable to me. Not only because it unexpectedly caught me off guard and transported me to different headspace at that moment in time, but because it reminded me of how fucking great the music is that brought me to where I am in the first place. And that good feeling I had the other morning is still with me right now. I guess I can say it's like marriage. You're in it for the long haul, through good and bad and all that - but then something happens that triggers a honeymoon feeling, and makes you fall in deep all over again. Like I said. It's a marvelous thing.
Mind you this isn't a pure only-Chemical Brothers tune, but it safely is one of my favorite songs of all time.
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- Member Title:
- dork
- Age:
- 43 years old
- Birthday:
- January 29, 1972
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- Location:
- in the valley of the acid clowns
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- I tend to blab a lot, so you'll find out eventually.
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28 Nov 2013 - 15:22Unfortunatelly I did not find any possibility to get any information about live concerts.
So. I would like to ask you to tell me what is the proccedure of CB concert organisation.
Is it possible to make it in Belarus, Minsk???
Please contact me via e-mail s.kostromitsky@gmail.com.
Best regards,
Stepan Kostromitsky
Mechanical Pressure
11 Oct 2012 - 10:28thanks
25 Apr 2012 - 23:44ChemicalRudy
24 Nov 2011 - 19:21sandelic
08 Aug 2011 - 17:43Den_B
05 Aug 2011 - 06:04BoywiththeGoldenEyes
11 Jun 2011 - 09:24Guest
15 Apr 2011 - 05:18The bloke off the internet
01 Apr 2011 - 17:12Krisper
14 Mar 2011 - 04:31outofspace
02 Mar 2011 - 23:47satur8
17 Jan 2011 - 22:18You bring so much to the board. Keep making the world we're living in better.
30 Nov 2010 - 23:36I was actually drunk when i wrote that, i don't really care.
18 Aug 2010 - 16:01I know this is slightly unorthodox way of doing this but I'm seeking to make an offer for Chemical Brothers to play at show I am running in November, in Copenhagen
This isn't a joke, we have a line-up arranged and we've already sold 3000 tickets. Do you know how I can contact their management?
Thanks in advance for your help.
06 Jun 2010 - 06:29