General Bullshit Chat
Posted 09 February 2006 - 12:40 AM
its part of a prodigy set [Video] but its like an Hour long, and its in dutch like so i thought this might have been Jeanies Gig... was it?
I thought it was mine though, cause they looked/dressed the same and so did the set a little.. but then i seen it said Lowlands at the top
Posted 09 February 2006 - 12:45 AM
Jeanie Escribi�:
I'm probably wrong , like usual , but were the chems nominated for a Grammy ?! It's on tonight and i was wondering!
Category 12 - Best Dance Recording
(For solo, duo, group or collaborative performances. Vocal or Instrumental. Singles or tracks only.)
The Chemical Brothers Featuring Q-Tip
The Chemical Brothers, producers; The Chemical Brothers & Steve Dub, mixers
Track from: Push The Button
Say Hello
Deep Dish
Ali "Dubfire" Shirazinia & Sharam Tayebi, producers; Deep Dish & Matt Nordstrom,
[Thrive Records]
Wonderful Night
Fatboy Slim & Lateef
Fatboy Slim, producer; Simon Thornton, mixer
Track from: Palookaville
Daft Punk Is Playing At My House
LCD Soundsystem
The DFA, producers; The DFA & Andy Wallace, mixers
Track from: LCD Soundsystem
[DFA Records/Capitol Records]
I Believe In You
Kylie Minogue
Babydaddy & Jake Shears, producers; Jeremy Wheatly, mixer
Track from: Ultimate Kylie
[Capitol Records]
Guilt Is A Useless Emotion
New Order
New Order & Stuart Price, producers; New Order & Stuart Price, mixers
Track from: Waiting For The Sirens' Call
[Warner Bros. Records]
Category 13 - Best Electronic/Dance Album
(For vocal or instrumental albums. Albums only.)
Push The Button
The Chemical Brothers
Human After All
Daft Punk
[Virgin Records]
Fatboy Slim
LCD Soundsystem
LCD Soundsystem
[DFA Records/Capitol Records]
they probably wont air the dance artists awards.......since its not that popular in the states
Posted 09 February 2006 - 12:47 AM
Foxboy Escribi�:
Here, jeanie, and others, i found this link here
its part of a prodigy set [Video] but its like an Hour long, and its in dutch like so i thought this might have been Jeanies Gig... was it?
I thought it was mine though, cause they looked/dressed the same and so did the set a little.. but then i seen it said Lowlands at the top
Why the hell Google Video doesn't work in France ? :x }:-@
Posted 09 February 2006 - 1:26 AM
Foxy , Lowlands must be the one that Joslyn went to! I will watch it when my internet acces is better.
Question : If u had a dinner with a dude who you think is awesome but you don't fancy him , and u ask him for his friends nr ( because i worked with his friend and he's awesome to ) does the dude u had dinner with has a right to get upset ? Obviously he has a crush on me but i didn't tell him to like me and i dont think i'm doing anything wrong.
Posted 09 February 2006 - 1:37 AM
Posted 09 February 2006 - 2:50 AM
A celebratory thread is in order as soon as the official site has all the info up! :D
I'll be tuning in at 8 when it's airing here in California.
Posted 09 February 2006 - 3:02 AM
the orange ones are the winners
Posted 09 February 2006 - 3:03 AM
Posted 09 February 2006 - 5:17 AM
I'm a bit cheesed out already though, and am reminded of why I don't often tune into shows like the Grammies. The presenting "skits"... I felt my insides turn to a creamy warm brie while watching Stevie Wonder and Alicia Keys. The ultimate cheese factor is funning amock.
Oh god, Kelly Clarkson is crying now...
I really don't know how much more I can take of this. I really need to be stoned or have a few drinks in order to stomach this, but I can't at the moment... Cut to the chase, leave the skits up to the main host, and get on with the performances and award grabs.
Posted 09 February 2006 - 5:46 AM
Jeanie Escribi�:
If u had a dinner with a dude who you think is awesome but you don't fancy him , and u ask him for his friends nr ( because i worked with his friend and he's awesome to ) does the dude u had dinner with has a right to get upset ? Obviously he has a crush on me but i didn't tell him to like me and i dont think i'm doing anything wrong.
Hmmmmmm.... tough question, Jeanie. Honestly, if I was the guy you didn't fancy, I'd probably be a little upset, but like you say, you didn't ask him to have a crush on you.
I would probably try to find another way of getting the other guy's number, like hanging out with your friend and trying to get the other guy invited along. And then you can ask him yourself!
At least that way your friend doesn't feel used.
And congrats to Tom & Ed!!! Top work, gentlemen! :D
Posted 09 February 2006 - 7:05 AM
And it's not like i really wanted this guys number it was just like a random question.
Anyway. I'm fed up with guys in general. Apperently you can't be just friends with somebody. They always expect more or fall in love or whatever. It sucks. I like to hang out with awesome guys that don't try to get something from me .Like Mips for example , who is the coolest dude ever for having me over @ his place for a weekend and being the perfect gentleman. Gotta love people like that. I just wish more people would be like that u know.
Posted 09 February 2006 - 3:14 PM
cheers man! :)
as for bloke woes, hmmm, yeh its difficlut because it all depends on context:
it depends on what the circumstances of the dinner were - ie was it a date or just meeting as mates? i mean it sounds like u were just meeting as mates, so it shouldnt have really mattered.
and also it depends on how u asked him - if u just asked for his number, thats not really a biggie, but if u said 'do u have .... number, he's really hot' and u knew this other bloke maybe liked you, even if u werent out on a date i can see why he'd maybe be a bit put out by that. (not saying thats what u said, just an example)
but in any event, him making a big fuss out of it is a bit gimpy really. sounds more like brusied ego than anything else. even if he was a bit miffed or hurt or whatever theres no point him being all snotty about it. :?