Drunken Bastards
Posted 23 July 2004 - 8:54 PM
GLAKO-FAHN Escribi�:
Doubt it. Many people I know don't care that it's illegal, neither do I -- I just don't care for drinking. It's a waste of time, money, and dignity. ;)
my opinion also. I dont drink I have ass loads of fun doing photography, music producing, hanging out with people. im also a purist type person. I dont drink soda or take like any medications (asprin, etc).
Posted 23 July 2004 - 9:17 PM
yeah you really are iguana. You know i could make fun of the fact that all you do is accuse people of being gay, have problems talking to girls, get drunk off your ass all the time (which is ussually due to a social disorder, which relates back to your problem with talking to girls) but I dont. cause i dont have sand in my vagina and I have better things to do than to boost my "internet self esteem" by putting people down over the internet. There's really no point in deniing the fact that you constantly and countlessly fail with girls, you post about it ad nausem looking for support from your "internet peers". I kept my mouth shut becuase 'hey what the hell do i care if this person is having social problems, it's none of my business to make fun of him. He's probably depressed or embarassed about it. So I'll keep my mouth shut and not say anything about it'. but since you've been such a cock to me all the time I'm going to tell you that I think you're pathetic. lighten up about stuff, no im not a hippy or gay or any other lame pathetic name you're most certainly going to call me. I think it's abismal that your how old and the only things i ever see you talking about is porn, alcohol or how you're mad that you 'missed a bird, or didn't call a bird back'.
you need to be alot more open and excepting of people. So what If i dont take asprin or drink soda. I like to keep my self physically fit. Not drinking soda comes from running cross country where we werent allowed to because it raises your standing heart rate. after my first season ended ( a long time ago) I figured, why do i need to drink soda? I dont I dont take asprin because i never get headaces. wow how hard was that to understand
you need to be alot more open and excepting of people. So what If i dont take asprin or drink soda. I like to keep my self physically fit. Not drinking soda comes from running cross country where we werent allowed to because it raises your standing heart rate. after my first season ended ( a long time ago) I figured, why do i need to drink soda? I dont I dont take asprin because i never get headaces. wow how hard was that to understand
Posted 23 July 2004 - 9:21 PM
X-D I think you're the one who needs some lightening up to do, EBW! You take things too serioso!
iguanapunk is funny -- he does not insult anybody here.
iguanapunk is funny -- he does not insult anybody here.
He put on a turn-down collar, a black bow, and wore his Sunday tail-coat. As such, he looked spruce, and what his clothes would not do, his instinct for making the most of his good looks would.
Posted 23 July 2004 - 9:27 PM
whoa, your post was mental, proper cracked me up X-D
Some truth in there, some just you being a bitch. Listen up ElectronicBattyWarrior, you need to relax a little, pull that dildo out of your arse and chill :D
what's wrong with talking about porn, women, alcohol? surely that's what life's all about, or is that just me being a bloke you nancy boy?
Some truth in there, some just you being a bitch. Listen up ElectronicBattyWarrior, you need to relax a little, pull that dildo out of your arse and chill :D
what's wrong with talking about porn, women, alcohol? surely that's what life's all about, or is that just me being a bloke you nancy boy?

Posted 23 July 2004 - 9:31 PM
EBW - calm down dude - its a commercial!! - im really a very good driver. :)
seriously, its a uk humor thing - iggy's just immensley sarcastic sometimes.
i doint think he's having social problems because he gets pissed. i think people who lug crack probably have social problems.
i commend you for your straight living but you have to accept that other people arent as infallible as you.
you hippy!! :P ;-)
(self confessed hippy and gay lover - not that im gay, i just love gay people)
seriously, its a uk humor thing - iggy's just immensley sarcastic sometimes.
i doint think he's having social problems because he gets pissed. i think people who lug crack probably have social problems.
i commend you for your straight living but you have to accept that other people arent as infallible as you.
you hippy!! :P ;-)
(self confessed hippy and gay lover - not that im gay, i just love gay people)
Posted 23 July 2004 - 10:13 PM
Nerdcore Escribi�:
glako why cant you go to someones house who is of legal age and drink with them ? (!)
What? Did that even make sense? That'd still be illegal...
I can drink legally in my own home, with parental consent.
See, I don't want to. It's still just completely fucking stupid. And don't try to argue that with me, I'm a stubborn bastard.
He put on a turn-down collar, a black bow, and wore his Sunday tail-coat. As such, he looked spruce, and what his clothes would not do, his instinct for making the most of his good looks would.
Posted 23 July 2004 - 10:25 PM
X-D God bless the punk! EBW, don't try to discourage him -- it won't work.
He put on a turn-down collar, a black bow, and wore his Sunday tail-coat. As such, he looked spruce, and what his clothes would not do, his instinct for making the most of his good looks would.
Posted 24 July 2004 - 1:44 AM
Nerdcore Escribi�:
ok mabey you did not read the post as usual :-//
whoops! sorry ,didn't see the second post! It appeared while I was writing mine!
He put on a turn-down collar, a black bow, and wore his Sunday tail-coat. As such, he looked spruce, and what his clothes would not do, his instinct for making the most of his good looks would.
Posted 24 July 2004 - 3:00 AM
Hey now, EBW's a good kid (and yes, I said good kid, because I'm a mom and I can - so there. :P) who in the past, has never come on here with a judgemental word directed at anyone on this board. I don't know, perhaps I'm just feeling a bit sappy, but that whole last page made me kinda sad.
As for drinking, I don't know what I'm drinking this evening, yet. Tonight the husband and I have all to ourselves so we can celebrate the day we met - which was the day we started dating...tee hee. July 23, 1994... Hmmm. We were drinking screwdrivers (vodka and orange juice) that fateful night!
Don't mind me, I'm just killing time before the hubby comes home from work...
As for drinking, I don't know what I'm drinking this evening, yet. Tonight the husband and I have all to ourselves so we can celebrate the day we met - which was the day we started dating...tee hee. July 23, 1994... Hmmm. We were drinking screwdrivers (vodka and orange juice) that fateful night!

Don't mind me, I'm just killing time before the hubby comes home from work...
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle