GuerraRelampago, on 21 June 2010 - 07:51 PM, said:
I take your apologies.
i just wanted to remark that generalizations are a dangerous weapon and seed the way to hate and prejudice. I would have been offended the same way if any other country had been named.
In all fairness there is absolutely no hate or prejudice displayed at all in Whirlygirls comments nor does it instigate either.
Like it or not Spain does have a reputation for petty crime and I think it was a fair comment to make given it is a genuine and serious problem. However, Spain is also known for many other positive things which well outweigh the negatives but unfortunately you can pick any country on the globe and not all affiliations with that country are going to be positive. Every country has it's problems and it's nothing to get embarrassed or defensive about.
Barcelona is particularly bad for this kind of crime but for me that doesn't take away from the charm of the place, you just need to be extra vigilant and careful, a small price to pay to spend time in such an amazing city. As mentioned above it's my favourite city in Europe by a clear mile, crime or no crime.
When I was over at Sonar I heard numerous stories of people I know having things stolen from them whilst out and about and to be honest I wasn't at all surprised, partly due to the fact that outside Sonar in 2005 I witnessed two children steal a mans phone while pretending to beg for money, only for the fact that I saw it happen and alerted him, his phone was gone. These kids were no more than 8 or 9 and were thought to be professional pick pockets. This is a problem experienced in many large touristic cities worldwide, Spain unfortunately is one of these countries affected by this. Sure our land lady in Barcelona (a spanish lady) upon checking said it embarrasses her to say it but they have a huge problem with pick pockets and that we were to be extremely careful of our possessions when out walking.
In contrast I heard of someone who got pick pocketed on a tram in Dublin last week and I was genuinely shocked, because I had not heard of this type of crime in Dublin in years, Dublin used to be very bad for petty crime throughout the 80's and 90's but crime has decreased year on year in Dublin which is a welcomed change, that's not to say it's still not a problem, far from it but petty crime like pick pocketing was tackled and seems to have been almost eradicated. On the flip side gun crime and gang lands feuds are on the sharp increase. So whilst we might not be the worst country in the world for gang crime if someone on this or any forum said that Ireland is known for crime, whilst my opinion might not favour this statement, it is a genuine problem and I cannot deny that. I'm not saying in Dublin is in any way great, Dublin and Ireland in general have more problems than most countries worldwide, but the point I'm trying to make is that whether your agree or disagree Spain IS known for it's crime.
Your opinion is your own and no-one can deprive you of that but I think you are being a little sensitive, I'm sure you're proud to be Spanish and that's admirable but you cannot deny that Spain, like all other counties worldwide has it's problems and crime is one of the most prominent.