by Herbert Bayer from 1930
and this one
the missus mentioned she knew the artwork from some where else and found this image in a book

so watn album artwork was based on this
#3 whirly
Posted 07 October 2008 - 10:45 PM
Nifty finds, irish! I love it when the root of inspiration is found. The images you linked are super close to the We Are The Night artwork.
The eye of fatima - hand of god - has been a recurring theme in art throughout the ages. It's always cool to see a modern interpretation of something that's ancient. Then again I'm probably looking too deeply into this like I always do. :P
Posted 10 October 2008 - 8:07 PM
Yeah, Iggy, I totally posted that post back in 2005.
But, in all seriousness, I too was surprised that it was more of a blatant rip-off.
And although much of what we do isn't entirely original, there are still noteworthy bits out there. Then again, when it comes to electronic music maybe it makes sense, seeing as how -nothing- original comes out of this genre. ;-)
#7 whirly
Posted 10 October 2008 - 10:47 PM
I still love Kate Gibb. I agree it is surprising to see such a strong resemblance between what irishfan posted and the artwork for We Are The Night. You never know - maybe she was greatly inspired to use the hands with eyes. The hand of god concept. Or maybe the original artwork had special meaning to her and she wanted to incorporate it into how We Are The Night made her feel... Maybe it doesn't mean anything. :P We may never know, but I think the art can speak for itself and as it is I think it's a nice compliment to the album. It may be seen as a rip-off and I can respect the opinion though I don't agree with that notion completely. Ask yourself if you liked the artwork before you knew it was an interpretation of a 1930's original. There's no right or wrong answer or opinion here - the beauty of art often lies in the eye (and interpretation) of the beholder.
#8 ztrop
Posted 15 January 2009 - 4:26 PM
#10 Maboul59
Posted 18 January 2009 - 12:27 AM
The visuals during "Under The Influence " in the We Are The night Tour make me think about this :
Posted 18 January 2009 - 3:59 PM
#12 MustangGTsrs
Posted 03 February 2009 - 6:30 AM
I am a big fan of the Chems and am disapointed but not suprized by this. It looks like they are going to use a cover that is currently being used on an import. Same album and name but different cover. It is scheduled to be released on February 10, 2009. I first became a fan in 1999 when I saw them live. I then ran to the store and bought all their albums and fell in love. Since then I continued buying their albums once released. In my opinion "Come with Us" was the last great album and they have gone down hill ever since. I've moved on to another band which comes out with more original and crazy music (150bpm+). Though I love the Chemical Brothers, I wish they would go back to the old school style they once had. I wish them the best!!!
#15 whirly
Posted 03 February 2009 - 3:47 PM
MustangGTsrs: wrote:
23-12-2008 // For legal reasons, "We are the Night" is now available with new artwork. Not a new release just new packaging, hope this doesn't confuse anyone.
Tom and Ed
So yes, same album, different art. But just to throw it out, there's a reason and logic behind this.
As for the "I love the Chems but they just aren't like how they were back in the day" argument, I've been hearing that from the Dig Your Own Hole purists since Surrender was released. The argument is tired and if you love the Chems and are such a big fan then coming here to the band's own board to slag them off for not releasing anything good since nearly a decade ago, well, opinions are just that but it's still a bit insulting. If the music no longer excites you or holds an appeal, and the path the band is on just doesn't cut it anymore - then fair enough. These things happen, it's happened to everyone - it happened to me with a band I followed for more years than some people here have been alive. But I find it a bit sad and highly unrealisitic to wish the Chems would go back to how they were. It's impossible, and they've been there once and done that already and they did it pretty damn well. The reality is the boys are older now - with different ideas, on different paths, they're pushing 40 and they aren't in the same place they were even a couple years ago...
#16 inchemwetrust
Posted 03 February 2009 - 11:49 PM
I wonder what this 'other band that comes out with more original and crazy music' is about. I bet they haven't been around longer then the Chems.
The Chems have never gone downhill. These guys create the most insane, difficult, and 'never can be duplicated' music in the last 10-plus years. Their sound is always morphing into something that stands-out of the conventional electro music.
I know that T and E can always pull out the old school stuff when they want to (DJ Set) but they will never lose that experience. But I do hope that they incorporate that style in future albums because in my opinion, history repeats itself!
Just as we go through stages in life, so do Electronic artists. As least you came clean Mustang and told us, but if memory serves me well, some fans say those kind of things about that album or any other album after that, and then once they see them LIVE, they're totally shattered in disbelief and then pledge a new allegiance in the Chemicals Brothers music. A good suggestion would maybe listen to WATN very loud and some choice live videos ( http://www.thechemic...=24&replies=718 )But as for you, maybe one day you'll discover that the Bros never meant to do the same thing over again, they just like to evolve.
#19 whirly
Posted 04 February 2009 - 1:24 AM
Hey Mustang - sorry if my post came off as a bit... oh I don't know... sanctimonious. It's a good thing you're liking the Chems for about 10 years now so I apologize for not recognizing that in what I wrote. From Exit Planet Dust to Come With Us, you've got a few Chems albums that you dig that you'll hopefully be listening to for many more years to come.
I think inchemwetrust is SO right in just about everything he said (love that bit about evolving, nice!), especially when he says that seeing the Chemical Brothers live can make a difference when listening to the albums later on, even if those albums weren't up to snuff with you in the beginning. The Chemical Brothers are in their element when they play live and it's cool to hear these songs take shape in a live setting, and it's cool to hear them evolve with each album. But yeah, sometimes a band evolves and the listener either has a hard time keeping up, or simply goes on another path in search of something else. It's sad when that happens, but, well... it is what it is.
I'm just glad the Chems are still around, still conuring up ideas, are still excited to make music and still working together when so many other bands and artists in related genres have since called it a day or split and gone their seperate ways.
As for Push The Button - I've actually reivisted that album a fair bit over the past month. There are some incredile songs on there: Hold Tight London, Surface To Air, Believe - that conjure up these fantastic memories... I still think it's a strong album in a lot of ways though I know (and understand) it's one of those albums that had some fans scratching their heads. Looking back I've often referred to Come With Us as a sort of crossroads in their career with the Chems feet dangling on either side of the fence, and Push The Button was the Chemical Brothers hopping off that fence onto a new musical path of sorts while managing to bring along these chemically sounds, quirks, etc found on their earlier works. That said, We Are The Night is a personal masterpiece to me because it affected me on a very personal level (I'm a bit biased I suppose). We Are The Night sits firmly amongst my favorite albums of all time.
#20 makeskidskill
Posted 04 February 2009 - 1:49 AM